Last the Night ***

This new COVIDsploitation quickie utilizes the pretext of a high school corona outbreak and a remote learning regimen to get away with only paying four actors to play students, with no pesky extras required. Brian Austin Green stars as Mr. Dunbar, a middle-aged history teacher coping with “rage issues” in the aftermath of the breakup of his marriage. Stuck at home alone and drinking excessively as he half-asses his lessons for a handful of disrespectful airheads, Dunbar also has an obvious crush on a cute girl in his class. When he overhears his students mocking him in a Zoom chat and plotting an impromptu party at the deserted school building, Dunbar finally snaps and decides to pop a quiz on their uppity asses, subjecting them to a night class in horror.

3 out of 5...

Proper Review
Aug 29th 2022
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