This (imperceptibly) Australian-made horror movie from writer-director siblings Colin and Cameron Cairnes, perhaps best described as Network meets The Exorcist, is a nostalgic tribute to the dark...
An over-the-top-ridiculous hood horror-polemic inspired by Frankenstein, The Angry Black Girl and Her Monster stars Laya DeLeon Hayes as Vicaria, a young African-American scientific genius whose...
A throwback to the heyday of Charlie Kaufman’s offbeat, high-concept screenplays Being John Malkovich (1999), Adaptation (2002), and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004), writer-director...
In a perverted premise adapted from Alasdair Gray’s 1992 novel, disfigured Frankensteinesque mad doctor Godwin Baxter (Willem Dafoe) saves the life of an unborn child whose mother has just...
Valerie Kontakos’s 2022 documentary Queen of the Deuce, released in home viewing formats this year, presents the “really inspiring” and emblematically Judeo-American story of Chelly...
Lev Winogradsky, a Ukrainian-born Jew who started out as a dancer and talent agent and built a British media empire under the name Lew Grade, eventually being knighted and later made “Baron...
After Bob Mathews, leader of the white-nationalist terrorist organization the Order, was burned alive in his hideout by federal agents in 1984 and his followers were apprehended, it was inevitable...
“I didn’t ask myself whether it was a fascist film or any crap like that,” Italian producer Dino De Laurentiis purports to have said in response to criticisms of 1974’s Death...
An adaptation of a 1999 mystery novel, this gloomy, gory, rain-drenched, and generally unpleasant thriller’s claim to be “based on a true story” appears to be approximately 100%...
The first feature film from “London-born, Bay Area-raised”, “British-American” writer-director Savanah Leaf is a bizarre portrait of life among Oakland’s perpetually...
Back in the early nineties, when I was becoming interested in comic books, my father used to take me to a couple of shops that had dime and quarter boxes, respectively, which was a cheap way for...
Old – really old – college buddies Claire (Jane Fonda) and Evelyn (Lily Tomlin) find themselves reunited at the funeral service for their mutual friend Joyce. Evelyn was once secretly...
This Lifetime movie “partially based on a true story” out of Nevada stars Reba McEntire as Judge Kim Wheeler, a feisty, black-robed country girl-boss appointed to replace her murdered...
Updating the Dracula mythos for the hypersensitive twenty-first century, Renfield centers the plight of the vampire’s obsequious British henchman, conceptualizing the pair’s “destructive...
A cheap but not embarrassing dysfunctional crime dramedy set in Oklahoma, One Day as a Lion stars Scott Caan (whose famous father’s paternity is not in question) as Jackie Powers, a failed...
Ari Aster, writer-director of the overrated ethno-horror Midsommar (2019), delivers another nightmare vision of European atavism, this time from an explicitly Jewish perspective, in Beau Is Afraid,...
Oliver Stone, whatever his flaws, is a filmmaker of rather profound historical significance. His 1991 opus JFK, produced by the Israeli spy Arnon Milchan, detonated an explosion of interest in the assassination...
Attending the incremental expansion of the American empire into vaster swathes of Asia was the emergence of a genre of songs about sailors’ oriental love affairs, war brides, and the feminine...
Barrie Saint Clair, producer of Albino (1976), Flashpoint Africa (1980), and several other shot-in-Africa obscurities of the video era, was partnered with Jay Davidson and Joel Levine in the late...
Produced in 1987 by prolific British genre film producer Harry Alan Towers, Skeleton Coast is a campy minor action classic of the late Cold War brimming with explosions and awesome stunts, with a...
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