  • Anthony Russo
Summary: Steven Wilde always had everything he wanted, due to his improbably rich father. Except the girl, Emmy Kadubic, who is an environmentalist. Emmy and her daughter, Puddle come to live with him.
Release Date: September 21, 2010
Genre: Comedy
Runtime: 0 h 30 min

Country: United States
Language: English
Summary: A young scriptwriter starts bringing valuable objects back from his short nightmares of being chased by a demon. Selling them makes him rich.
Runtime: 1 h 42 min

Distributor: Netflix
Country: China
Language: Mandarin
Summary: A police unit from Mosul fight to liberate the Iraqi city from thousands of ISIS militants.
Runtime: 1 h 26 min

Distributor: 101 Studios
Country: United States
Language: Arabic
Summary: Having been kicked out of his house by his wife, writer Richard McMurray crashes on the couch of two sexy co-eds where he just might find the inspiration to complete his second novel.
Runtime: 1 h 19 min

Country: United States
Language: English