  • Production
  • Xseed Games
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Summary: When a mystical phenomenon appears, drawing the shinobi world's finest young ladies into a parallel dimension, everything they know about life and death turns upside down. Taken to a strange world resembling a warm summer island, ...

Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
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Summary: In a time of uprising, peace is but a memory in Erebonia. Rean Schwarzer, the awakener of Valimar the Ashen Knight, vows to find his lost friends from Class VII. They can change the course of an Empire, but foes old and new await.

Countries: United States, Japan
Language: English
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Summary: The game takes place at the same time frame as Zero and Ao no Kiseki games, but in the Erebonian Empire. The game's plot is centered around the newly formed special class "Class VII" in Thors Military Academy, composed of both ari...

Countries: United States, Japan
Language: English
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Summary: Adol Christin, the protagonist, finds himself in the land of Celceta, suffering full amnesia. He soon teams up with Duran, who claims he can help him regain memories. But that will require to venture into the dangerous and unchart...
Release Date: November 26, 2013

Production: Xseed Games
Country: United States
Language: English
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Release Date: October 01, 2014
Genre: Adventure
MPAA: E10+

Production: Xseed Games
Country: United States
Language: English