  • Akihiko Sai
Summary: A renegade film crew becomes embroiled with a yakuza clan feud.
Release Date: November 07, 2014
Genres: Action, Comedy
Runtime: 2 h 09 min
MPAA: Not Rated

Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Domestic: $ 28,534
International: $ 1,237,338
Summary: After two teenagers from abusive households befriend each other, their lives take a dark adventure into existentialism, despair, and human frailty.
Runtime: 2 h 09 min

Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Summary: Several seemingly unrelated but surprisingly intertwined tales reveal how a Japanese band that independently invented punk rock in 1975 is, 37 years later, connected to a comet that is about to destroy the world.
Runtime: 1 h 53 min

Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Summary: A jaded assassin assigned to target a yakuza clan has 24 hours to find out who poisoned her and get vengeance before she dies.
Runtime: 1 h 46 min

Country: United States
Language: English
Summary: A car mechanic fights to survive an invasion of the living dead while holding onto the hope that he'll be reunited with the woman he loves.
Release Date: January 17, 2021
Genre: Action
Runtime: 1 h 00 min

Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Summary: The legend begins at a certain town that used to be under the rule of a legendary organization called "Mugen". And fighting against the rule of this town's overlords were two legendary brothers - the brutal and unbeatable Amamiya ...
Release Date: October 22, 2015
Genre: Action

Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Summary: The most famous battle of the swordsman Miyamoto Musashi. Miyamoto fights against 588 enemies, one after the other. There is no room for error, no room for trivial, outdated, or unconvincing movements.
Runtime: 1 h 31 min

Country: Japan
Language: Japanese

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