The Art of Costume Design

Costume designs courtesy of Kelli Jones; collage by Hannah Yoest.

As readers may remember, The Beekeeper has been one of my favorite movies of the year thus far. One thing in particular I loved about it was the costume design: Itโ€™s an underappreciated artform, conveying character through clothing, and the costuming in this film perfectly conveyed a range of characters, from โ€œtaciturn heroโ€ to โ€œcrazed killerโ€ to โ€œcrypto douchebag.โ€

Which is why Iโ€™m very excited to have Kelli Jones, the filmโ€™s costume designer, on this week to talk about The Beekeeper and her work elsewhere. From previous collaborations with director David Ayer on movies like Bright to the long-running FX biker gang show The Sons of Anarchy to Oscar-nominated biopics like Straight Outta Compton and Nyad,...

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Apr 20th 2024
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