REVIEW: ‘BlackBerry’

The new film BlackBerry, a docudrama about the development and the destruction of the titular device, is many things, almost all of them wonderful. It’s a superb portrait of the clash between entrepreneurship and corporate gamesmanship—and it’s so good and so original in its handling of this tricky topic that by the end, it deserves consideration as one of the best movies ever made about business (not that there’s a lot of competition in this category). It’s also a portrait of the clash between the natty marketing guys and the brilliant slob idea men, making it one of the most delightful such depictions since Revenge of the Nerds back in 1984.

BlackBerry is set in Waterloo, Ontario, which is where the hardscrabble little company called Research in Motion invented the device in 1996....

May 12th 2023
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