Disney+ ‘Proud Family’ Kids Series Pushes Reparations, Claims USA Was Founded on White Supremacy

The Disney+ animated kids series The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder is pushing reparations for slavery, claiming in its latest episode that America was founded on “white supremacy” and “still has not atoned” for its racism.

In the episode titled “Juneteenth,” which began streaming last week, 14-year-old Maya (Keke Palmer) learns that the founder of her hometown Smithville was a slave owner and organizes a student protest around a monument to the man.

Two clips from the episode have since gone viral thanks to the Twitter account @EndWokeness. In one scene, Maya’s protest provokes the riot police to show up, much to the horror of her two dads {snip}

{snip} This is a scene from The Proud Family, a kids show on Disney+

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