Taxi Driver, 1976 - ★★★★½

In my entry for Marty's Casino, it’s jotted down that the film…

“… concludes quite simply, but very calmly. It’s amazing how a small scene and voiceover were able to quell and exorcise all the tension and evil natures of all that had preceded.”

Besides the enticing sway of the guilty Catholic Queens native’s photoplay through the breezy and hazy imagery of, from, and within a yellow cab rolling through the sheerly joyful and sorrowful mysteries of New York City, part of Scorsese’s form of cinematic liturgy is that one ability to offer a real hefty chalice of sweetness right after the evil storm. Maybe it’s a bit odd to get into the ending now, but it can’t be helped. One of the best feelings of viewing film is the unexpected. This psychological thriller from ’76...

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Jan 29th 2023
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