My new favourite
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My new all-time favorite film, I really enjoyed watching this little gem and this film truly showed Godard's genius for showing the human condition. We get introduced to the main character of the film Nana, a typical example of the aesthete character, she is petty, cruel sometimes, mostly concerned with herself, given to bouts of sentimentality and extremes, which she later regrets again. She becomes a prostitute not really because she has no other choice, or so much because it's exciting, she just does out of boredom and for the money. Its a fairly realistic depiction of what makes these kinds of woman tick. Unsentimental. Equally the depiction of prostitution is accurate and unsentimental. No wild orgies, rampant drug use or pimp slapping (or even sex at all), just a lot of low-key scenes of her being visited by one client after another. This wouldn't be a Godard film if it wasn't full of typical French airy introverted talk, though the scene of her talking to philosopher Brice Parain was genuinely good. The man formulated his ideas wonderfully well. To bad Godard didn't pay more close attention to the man's opinions on communism.
Jan 21st 2023
This review was posted from the Netherlands or from a VPN in the Netherlands.
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