REVIEW: She-Hulk: Attorney at Law – Season 1, Episode 8 “Ribbit and Rip It”

How bad is She-Hulk? So bad it screws up its main selling point, which it pretends isn’t its main selling point by constantly having Jen deny it. So bad it makes jokes about how poorly it’s written. So bad it breezes haphazardly through scenes revolving around one of the key attributes of its main character and this week’s highly anticipated guest star. So bad it resorts to making its target audience (or what should be its target audience) the main villains. So bad that even when Jen is handed what should be the moral lesson that defines her character arc, it still can’t make her seem like a halfway decent person. So bad it features characters doing that obnoxious snap-clap thing that makes any sane human being want to throw something – in this case, their TVs, preferably out a window.


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Oct 6th 2022
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