Video review with a contrarian (positive) recommendation. Argent claims that the movie isn’t woke, and the arguments show that it isn’t *explicitly*. Argents threshold for wokeness seems pretty tolerant of it, but his points stand.
Lots of spoilers in the review, Argent goes through pretty much the entire plot.
Obviously a slav, lol stop pretending to be american.
My phone slipped and I accidentally put 5 for fedora tipping. Shit.
I watched this in a previous life, and I feel like I’ll get nightmares again just by seeing the poster.
Username checks out.
nigga, is this an ai slop response?
turing test: failed
You will now be recycled as a dildo for ur crimes against humanity
Biggest shame to me is it could have been a decent commentary on addiction/substance abuse, pride/chasing fame, and modern women refusing to age gracefully, but instead of an ending that ties those themes together and says something, it’s lolsorandumb cheap gore shock porn. Disappointing.
Walkthrough of the game for the mage in a fast way on a high difficulty. For hardcore lovers:
Another important point that I did not mention is that this series “Ghost in the Shell” promotes a feminist agenda – the main character is a strong, independent and self-sufficient woman who easily defeats men. This is not the right pattern of behavior for a girl, such attitudes can harm the female psyche. A woman reveals herself in following a man, her role is family and children. Such women are usually happy. When a woman takes a role in society that is not characteristic of her, trying to compete with men, she may not withstand such stress and this results in mental problems and depression – an example of “American Beauty”. Therefore, watching this film, for example with children, you need to realize that this woman is a robot and she is forced to act in such conditions and explain how to do it right, and it is better not to watch such films with children at all.
Speedrun of “Rage of Mages II”: Easy mode: And hard:
The adventures of Ryan Gosling:
Oh, but I guess that tired cliché of grief in a horror film was still there. Definite minus points but still recommend it.
Great seeing a lot of young people on this site, hope it grows.
This review does not make any judgement about the film, it only judges other reviewers. It does not talk about the merits (or lack therof) of brokeback mountain.
Years ago we still had some Dutch bands with nationalist themes, the best in my opinion was Standrecht. But yes looking forward to seeing the music forum, would give me an opinion to re-listen to some old bands I used to like.
Sorry, bear with us. Trying to improve the UI and make it so you can add custom tags and custom ratings. But it’s a game of telephone and experimentation and discussion. Now that we have regular users it might be a better idea to finalize a feature before publishing changes to the site. We’ve always just done it step by step. But please be vocal if you feel like. That way we know what to reverse or what to double down on. Will add your “random” suggestion for the review widget soon. We also fixed the edit/delete option users requested but are still tinkering and getting the UI right for that.
Heads up: There’s some woke stuff sprinkled throughout the film, though it’s not the main focus of the story.