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  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    Anon 9 February 0:15 to post A crafty guro shock site, but it's feminist!

    Biggest shame to me is it could have been a decent commentary on addiction/substance abuse, pride/chasing fame, and modern women refusing to age gracefully, but instead of an ending that ties those themes together and says something, it’s lolsorandumb cheap gore shock porn. Disappointing.

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    Brahman 20 August 2024 17:21 to post Sprite games never get old

    Speedrun of “Rage of Mages II”:
    Easy mode:
    And hard:

  • This review was posted from Ireland or from a VPN in Ireland.
    Anon 13 October 2024 19:46 to post Good not woke entertainment

    there’s overt homoeroticism daubed over the entire movie, how is that not woke? every sex joke has to be about guy-on-guy. the joke where the desk jockey has a crush on deadpool it’s a guy. when deadpool makes jokes to the soldiers about raping him they’re guys. the single case where it’s not a guy, it’s a black woman. otherwise heterosexual attraction is verboten. like yeah compared to deadpool 2 with the horrid dykes in it, it’s far less woke. but don’t try and make out that it has no woke in it.

  • This review was posted from Canada or from a VPN in Canada.
    Anon 23 March 0:39 to post Most Aryan mainstream release

    Aryan? The star is a jew

  • This review was posted from Romania or from a VPN in Romania.
    Anon 22 September 2024 14:35 to post Excellent

    Its my absolute favorite movie ever.

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    STFU HollywoodBeertje Blauw 7 February 11:23 to post Feedback

    Sorry, bear with us. Trying to improve the UI and make it so you can add custom tags and custom ratings. But it’s a game of telephone and experimentation and discussion. Now that we have regular users it might be a better idea to finalize a feature before publishing changes to the site. We’ve always just done it step by step.
    But please be vocal if you feel like. That way we know what to reverse or what to double down on. Will add your “random” suggestion for the review widget soon. We also fixed the edit/delete option users requested but are still tinkering and getting the UI right for that.

  • This review was posted from the Netherlands or from a VPN in the Netherlands.
    Beertje BlauwRWT 20 December 2024 19:13 to post Feedback

    One recommendation: Most of the time, after someone posts a review you get a lot of reactions from people, thumb ups, or downs, a reply, etc but then it mostly sinks down, for example nobody responded to any of my reviews in the months I have been gone. Old reviews are snowed under and forgotten. So it might be a good idea to make a 4th button next to latest that shows random reviews from everyone on the site. This way you increase the engagement with other people’s reviews and makes it easier for people to find new media to watch.

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    Brahman 18 August 2024 19:51 to post Doom II: Hell on Earth

    Word is that an official update for DOOM has just been released. You can fight online like 30 years ago:

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    BrahmanAnon 4 September 2024 17:17 to post Good old Morrowind in new packaging

    how can i be slavic when i chat gpt (:

    gpt is american development…

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    alisha 19 August 2024 8:00 to post You have to pay for everything

    chatgpt slop?

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    Brahman 17 August 2024 20:04 to post You have to pay for everything

    Beyond its surface narrative, “Angel Heart” can be interpreted as an allegory for the spiritual journey of an individual, revealing yet another layer of meaning.
    In this context, Harry Angel’s initial state represents a person unaware of their spiritual nature. The search for Johnny Favorite symbolizes the process of delving into one’s own soul. As Harry’s investigation deepens, it mirrors how turning one’s attention inward can uncover hidden, often unsavory aspects of one’s psyche.

    This interpretation presents the film as a cautionary tale for spiritual seekers. It suggests that confronting one’s inner demons requires substantial mental fortitude and willpower. Without these qualities, one risks being overwhelmed by uncovered vices and passions, much like Harry is ultimately consumed by his own dark nature.

    The film’s narrative echoes the experiences of hermits and ascetics who retreated to mountains and deserts for spiritual practices. While some found enlightenment, others were driven to madness, illustrating that not everyone can successfully navigate this challenging path.

    “Angel Heart” thus warns that embarking on a journey of self-discovery should not be taken lightly. It implies that one should only open this metaphorical Pandora’s box when sufficiently prepared to face the challenges that arise and committed to changing oneself. Otherwise, this path may prove insurmountable and potentially destructive.

    This additional layer of meaning elevates “Angel Heart” from a supernatural thriller to a profound exploration of the human psyche and the perils and necessities of spiritual growth, reminding us that true self-knowledge comes at a price and requires strength of character to confront and overcome the darker aspects of our nature.

    Not all secrets need to be revealed.

    Read more, more 26%
  • This review was posted from Canada or from a VPN in Canada.
    Anon 15 January 10:15 to post Curt Hayward


  • This review was posted from Ireland or from a VPN in Ireland.
    Anon 18 October 2024 20:02 to post Underrated and under radar


  • This review was posted from Ireland or from a VPN in Ireland.
    Anon 3 November 2024 13:52 to post Feedback

    On the movie details pages, it would be cool if you showed the top billing cast under ‘Writers’ instead of having it hidden in a tab underneath

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    STFU HollywoodAnon 7 February 11:25 to post New Media

    Glad you like it! Keep coming back and speak your mind so we can continue to improve.

  • This review was posted from Philippines or from a VPN in Philippines.
    iwatchshit 16 February 13:58 to post Dumb b**ch

    sounds like a good watch

  • This review was posted from Norway or from a VPN in Norway.
    JaegerSTFU Hollywood 6 March 6:17 to post Feedback

    Don’t listen to that faggot kike. Appreciate what you do, please don’t let this shit die.

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    Sethy Boy 24 March 0:52 to post FAQ


  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    captin hippo. 18 August 2024 19:34 to post What makes the mind alive

    This film rules dude. 

  • This review was posted from Philippines or from a VPN in Philippines.
    Schille 25 December 2024 3:22 to post The Mother and the Whore

    Bernadette lafont is so hot