A very enjoyable murder mystery completely free from the politics Kenneth Branagh pushed into his two Poirot films. This is a film made with real heart, it will make you laugh, cry and everything in between. The inspector and constable make a genuinely fine pairing in which you do care about them with good writing and even greater acting. I do not agree with the accuracy of some of the casting (as...
Just watched the "Pajama Day" episode (S26E01) because of a clip recommended to me on YouTube. I still enjoy South Park but no show can keep its cultural relevancy for that long and still be cutting edge. Many comedians talk about this issue, about getting successful and then complaining about bourgeois problems. Also just age doest that. Like, Cartman saying "brah" in that episode. I mentioned PC...
The ignoring of terrorist activity was hilarious satire that hits much harder today with the school shooting stuff and regular terrorist activities. The Hava Nagila scene was funny. Was there any extra subtext with the choice of that song? 'Brazil' - 'Hava Nagila' from filmc3ption on Vimeo. This guy's review was accurate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6u11DbZHrY
L.A. Confidential is a critics and audience favourite. so this film review will mostly deal with the character and an analysis of the wokeness of this film. This review will have some spoilers. Anyone who has every watched this great crime film, has to wonder what exactly the aim was of this film, even though we get a gritty crime film full of corrupt cops and the occasional hints at "racism bad",...
Strange film that was written by Paul Jarrico, who was blacklisted for his anti-American political leanings in the McCarthy era. Hosts some off color subjects for the time of its release, including Patrick McGoohan smoking doinks, and a mix race couple. Its loosely based off Othello, but I really just exists to showcase jazz of the time. Its like a proto-woke film in some sense of the phrase. Some...
Film features many scenes in cool planes. Plot is never unpredictable or tries to "subvert your expectations", but as a result everywhere it goes makes sense. The core plot vindicates the old white man's experience/way of thinking in the face of a world that wants to replace people like him. Filmmakers go out of their way to be apolitical, with the enemy nation never being named. They do throw in...
Not too cutting edge for a docu-series, but its pretty interesting to watch. Like The Darkside of the Ring Vice Series, the episodes range from dynamic and interesting, to a hammed up overemotional reactionary tone
There's one token black midget, some strong wahmen, and everyone discriminates against the midget calling him a "peck." All minor things that aren't PC or woke. Feel good movie with an absolutely adorable ginger baby as the major plot point. I shudder to look at the remake trailer
Nothing screams woke in this, and it's kind of got a nice classic aesthetic to it, but it never really comes into its own. There are lots of close up shots of actors faces speaking slow plot driven dialogue and drawn out tension punctuated by brief moments of violence
In my quest to find White tv-series for the family, we rewatched the first two seasons of Growing Pains, I still remember this show from my childhood and it mostly holds up, the sitcom depicts the lives of an upper middle class White family, I guess the shrink dad and journalist mother would suggest a very liberal household, but affluent people generally are affluent because they maintain certain values. Overal...
Used to be one of my favorite comedies as a kid. Watching it now I can see that its got good comedic timing at parts, but there are a lot of drawn out sequences and the verbose dialogue is where some of the jokes are flat. The screenplay was featured in the 2006 Blacklist, a list of the "most liked" unmade scripts of the year. Some of the training materials and characters are based of real world counterparts. ...
A film about depersonalization, being unfunny, and having impaired reality testing. Writing Joker as completely delusional, not that bright of a guy, and the figure head of a anarchical movement is so nonsensical that I don't know how this script got made. I don't understand why the whole connection to the Wayne family was added as a plot thread a Joker origin story. The retelling the batman origin...
The bad guys being gay and woke is kind of bait. If you watch the whole series you'll see that they make fun of Christians and RightWingers too. As they should. It felt balanced and not too preachy. But it's not an anti-woke series by any means. They're just not afraid to call out disingenuous "cause-heads." (As PCU refers to them.) Cons: • There were too many slow motion struts to modern music...
First 25 minutes is a funny boot camp montage about a basic training bunkhouse stuck with a Prader-Willi Syndrome guy that somehow slipped into the core. The rest of the movie is a juxtaposing of pop American culture and propaganda with life and missions as an American marine in the Vietnam war. The main character Joker's whole persona is that he read Jung and is trying to personify the duality of...
Complete Matrix rip off. Felt like those Bollywood action movies with nonsensical gravity mechanics. Still enjoyed it enough to want to see how it ended, but not enough to recommend. There were some anti-authoritarian themes that could be seen as anti-patriarchal or anti-religious. Doubt the writer's room was really that deep. Pass
Really bleak yet fascinating world. Minimal exposition, they assume the audience is intelligent and let you put the pieces together in your imagination like why the pilgrims gather sheet metal and to where. Some things are never explained and there's not an extended metaphor to takeaway. No Climate Change messaging about recycling either. Just surface level greedy oligarch corporation tropes. Some...
Alpha Centauri is a slightly dated (mostly graphical) and occasionally messy turn-based strategy game in the tradition of Civilization, you land on an alien planet as one of several groups of survivors, you build basis, make sure you balance your energy, nutrients and minerals, you construct buildings, terraform a map with hight differences, design your own army units, steal technology with probeteams,...
A game so good it's almost evil, turning young men into twisted sweaty obsessive basement dwellers. Handle with care
The old meets the new. Traditional values meet today's rampant nihilism and hedonism. Old-fashioned people struggle, or refuse, to adapt to today's norms. Issues such as racial adversity, transgenderism, physical punishment of children, parenthood, and not least of all social heritage, are handled in a somewhat flippant, yet deeply meaningful way. Also: This show has some truly interesting characters...
I was pleasantly surprised by this television show. The premise is that the two main characters find themselves on a bus destined to explode, but revert back to their seats each time they die, piecing together clues each round as they explore the parameters of the strange anomaly. The show is set in the fictional city of Jialin (real life Xiamen) in southern China, following a game designer and a university...
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