This 1976 film is incoherent and choppily edited, full of 1970's tripe. The scenes go on and on and then arenseemingly randomly spliced together. It is obsessed with naked bodies (especially Bowie's) trying to shock the audience. It is pretentious- an artsy film where no one acts rationally. This throws you off and is why David Mamet said this about screenwriting : any good story should have a beginning...
Chloe Grace Moretz, who began her career in a skintight superhero costume as a sexually exploited child in the disposable Kick-Ass films, embraces her prostitution to the cultural Marxist establishment in her role as a teenage lesbian cruelly condemned to be treated at a totalitarian Christian conversion therapy camp. There, she is insensitively disciplined by a suspiciously cold and masculine...
This may be the most difficult review I will ever do. When this movie first came out there was an outcry- this was the most outrageous pile of garbage Hollywood has ever made. A story of a man seducing a young kid to have sex with him? ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? The right trashed it mercilessly, the left applauded it. Yet another chasm between the two sides of the political spectrum. How in the world...
It is a RAPE REVENGE flick people. Unless you are into actual on screen castration and torture, then don't wast your time. If you are a pervert then just watch it on Heavy R and that way these idiots don't get paid.
Worst movie ive seen in my life.
anti white, communist ideological propaganda.
just a horrible, horrible movie.
I watched it on christmas day, recently after it came out, years ago.
To make a long story ruined my christmas day.
I don't really care about homosexuality. I just have started to dislike them ever since the tranny stuff and the push for brainwashing kids. But in general, I'm not opposed to homos and think Freddie is a perfect example of the outlier in society who provides a lot for the community. I know Hollywood may exaggerate their importance, like with "The Imitation Game" but the point still remains. And in...
Sorry, I have to give ratings for the movie even though I didn't watch it and don't plan to. But it's super POZ-ed so probably a safe bet. This was just an email exchange I had with my friend who was a die hard Star Wars fan until they ruined his childhood. Thought I'd share.
Spoiler Alert!
Me: Question, and spoiler alert. It's the end scene (last 10 seconds) of the new star wars I won't...
Keep this Pedophile away from Children.
Haven’t watched the film but the poster is enough for me to know I’ll hate it
Cant quite call her a wonder “woman” without t**s and a**
Terrible. It’s the banner example of this website for a reason. Stay away.
It stinks.
Waste of time
Trash. It is full of cheating, sex, LGBTQ, bossy atmosphere, and garbage story-telling. Every white guy is portrayed as evil or gay and every black person is a saint. Ryan Wilder is a bad influence on women and children and Kate Kane was just as bad
A gay teen drama with horror. Stay far away
Fucking retarded. You just know every jojo fan faps to these characters. Gross
seems like it sucks
Communist Propaganda mixed with Historical Satire
my my what do we have here???
This film is an assault on your eyes and ears. The main positives are the performance of Willem Dafoe as Green Goblin. He carries this film like Atlas carries the world. However it is not enough, if anything his incredible passionate performance only serves to highlight the lackluster new cast and storylines. The music is unquestionably the worst score in a major hollywood film ever. What were they...