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Summary: After narrowly avoiding death, The Postal Dude awakens in a hospital bed with a serious headache. He discovers that Paradise is overrun with the undead, and realises that his headache is causing hallucinations.

Country: United States
Language: English
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Summary: An updated version of White Wolf's earlier Empire game, which was based on a wargame dating back to early mainframe days. One to six players (human or computer with three levels of intelligence) compete to conquer the world using ...

Country: United States
Language: English
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Summary: This thing is not a game and it's not something you need to play. Just a disturbing thing where you can start reading a non-funny story and you can end... who knows how. Without a necessary plot, the narrator just wants you to get...
Release Date: May 09, 2013
Genres: Comedy, Horror, Short

Production: Anothink
Country: Spain
Language: English
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