long, detailed review, and managed to do so without spoiling much.
Great and accurate review. I’d just like to add that the movie is set in modern londen, with obvious implications.
reddit fuel. reddit in a can. reddit: the movie. reddit’s top ten films of all time. reddit personified. reddit in a nutshell. creme du reddit. reddit in pog form. reddit manifest. reddit incarnate. quintessentially reddit. epitome of reddit. total reddit. the chronicles of reddit. reddit with a capital ‘R’. holy reddit. oh my reddit. absolutely reddit. reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit the movie, written by reddit, directed by reddit, produced, performed, acted, casted and gripped by reddit, for a reddit audience in a reddit cinema on reddit street of reddit town, USA, planet reddit.
You mean the reset password email doesn’t send or you never set up a recovery email? You’ve been an O.G. user for a while so maybe you had a profile without it. We tried to make it as easy as possible to post reviews without confirmation links sent or any of that, since fighting network effects is hard enough. But situations like this may be rough. Lemme think… In the meantime, sorry! Maybe make an alt account? I’ll check back soon after looking into it.
So we checked, and our system works. The email sent, but unfortunately since we don’t require email verification, we don’t have one of yours on file. It just sends to the admins by default until a user adds their own. And your current password is encrypted so we don’t even know what it is. All we can do is generate a new one. But obviously it’s a security risk if we just hand that out to whomever. My apologies, but I think you’re S.O.L. with that account unless you can remember the password. I’ll check with the webdevs and try to find a solution though and if we find a way we’ll let you know. ??♂️??♂️??♂️?????? For anyone else reading this, if you care about your account, please remember to add a backup email via the /settings/ option by clicking the profile icon on the top right of the page. We only make it optional to respect users’ privacy and autonomy, but it’s a bad practice that mainstream sites would never do.
I appreciate that you are not Letterboxd, even though their website loads quicker.
Sorry, bear with us. Trying to improve the UI and make it so you can add custom tags and custom ratings. But it’s a game of telephone and experimentation and discussion. Now that we have regular users it might be a better idea to finalize a feature before publishing changes to the site. We’ve always just done it step by step. But please be vocal if you feel like. That way we know what to reverse or what to double down on. Will add your “random” suggestion for the review widget soon. We also fixed the edit/delete option users requested but are still tinkering and getting the UI right for that.
Glad you like it! Keep coming back and speak your mind so we can continue to improve.
Yeah idk what gives. We use cloudflare but maybe we’ve had a spike in traffic lately? Working on improving UI and SEO right now which includes getting rid of superfluous sh*t. Anyways, glad you like it. Stay tuned…
And more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8UVjfvL29A
I decided to play Terminator 3: Dark Fate. Of course, I chose the maximum difficulty – Realism. The tutorial missions went relatively well, though I had to sweat a bit to ensure at least some of my squad survived and progressed to the next missions. The game works like this: you start with certain squads, and some of them carry over to the next mission. They gain experience and unlock new skills. In different missions, you can recruit new squads. There are also city outposts where you can purchase personnel and equipment. You can also loot vehicles during missions: cars, Humvees, and even tanks.
However, there’s a catch: the larger your squad, the more resources it consumes, and resources are limited. This presents a dilemma: what to sell and what to keep and develop. Resources are always scarce, so you need to invest in the most effective units and upgrade them. Vehicles and tanks can also be upgraded with armor, weapons, and engine modifications.
The game feels like a Mad Max-style survival experience, with a convoy of vehicles racing through the desert: small maneuverable cars, APCs, makeshift artillery on trailers, and trucks carrying supplies and fuel. There can also be separate transport trucks. The entire team is self-sufficient; if you run out of fuel and a tank stops, it’s essentially lost and won’t make it to the next mission.
There’s a wide variety of units: assault troops, snipers, special forces, etc. You need to assemble your team to have several self-sufficient groups that can hold various points on the map, as missions often require controlling multiple locations.
When I started the main missions after the tutorial, I really struggled. Maps that were supposed to take an hour ended up taking 10 hours to complete. Even then, victory wasn’t guaranteed. I reached the cartel city, where enemy Humvees with artillery prevented me from approaching. I managed to defeat them with tremendous effort, but then decided to go back two missions to acquire my own artillery. I replayed those missions, bought artillery, and dismantled the Humvees.
Eventually, I completed the game. Even towards the end, I was still learning new things. Such hardcore games are interesting because you can’t beat them on the first try. I think this game is underappreciated by the gaming community due to its specific gameplay – strategy games aren’t very popular nowadays because they require thinking, which many modern gamers find unappealing. Nevertheless, the game turned out to be very successful and provides a unique gaming experience not found in other titles.
The adventures of Ryan Gosling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A51qCGZhO9Q
Word is that an official update for DOOM has just been released. You can fight online like 30 years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4-xswoPRpo
chatgpt slop?
you can watch it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFg1QZ0OA7w&list=PLiB9Q66T9RtlDt61EzpDYa2GIq4nx_rkm
By the way, I played this build: https://www.fullrest.ru/files/morrowind-fullrest-repack/files
Yeah, perhaps. The child is going through a crisis due to the death of his mother and the move to a new place with his father’s new wife. He is not accepting her, and he’s facing trouble at his new school. In his troubled imagination this story plays out, in which he accepts a new mother, decides to take responsibility for his own life. And then, the painful chapter comes to an end.
Obviously a slav, lol stop pretending to be american.
how can i be slavic when i chat gpt (: https://zeitgeistreviews.com/critics/324897-Audience-Brahman-You_have_to_pay_for_everything/#comment-19
gpt is american development…
In the 1973 theatrical production (https://zeitgeistreviews.com/movies/selo-stepanchikovo-i-yego-obitateli), the director gave free rein to his imagination: Foma appears as a sage, sternly denouncing egoism and ignorance, and even the invited nephew Seryozha succumbs to his charms.