Speedrun of “Rage of Mages II”: Easy mode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6komN9i-Hc And hard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SN7E-z0Yh2w
You mean the reset password email doesn’t send or you never set up a recovery email? You’ve been an O.G. user for a while so maybe you had a profile without it. We tried to make it as easy as possible to post reviews without confirmation links sent or any of that, since fighting network effects is hard enough. But situations like this may be rough. Lemme think… In the meantime, sorry! Maybe make an alt account? I’ll check back soon after looking into it.
I decided to play Terminator 3: Dark Fate. Of course, I chose the maximum difficulty – Realism. The tutorial missions went relatively well, though I had to sweat a bit to ensure at least some of my squad survived and progressed to the next missions. The game works like this: you start with certain squads, and some of them carry over to the next mission. They gain experience and unlock new skills. In different missions, you can recruit new squads. There are also city outposts where you can purchase personnel and equipment. You can also loot vehicles during missions: cars, Humvees, and even tanks.
However, there’s a catch: the larger your squad, the more resources it consumes, and resources are limited. This presents a dilemma: what to sell and what to keep and develop. Resources are always scarce, so you need to invest in the most effective units and upgrade them. Vehicles and tanks can also be upgraded with armor, weapons, and engine modifications.
The game feels like a Mad Max-style survival experience, with a convoy of vehicles racing through the desert: small maneuverable cars, APCs, makeshift artillery on trailers, and trucks carrying supplies and fuel. There can also be separate transport trucks. The entire team is self-sufficient; if you run out of fuel and a tank stops, it’s essentially lost and won’t make it to the next mission.
There’s a wide variety of units: assault troops, snipers, special forces, etc. You need to assemble your team to have several self-sufficient groups that can hold various points on the map, as missions often require controlling multiple locations.
When I started the main missions after the tutorial, I really struggled. Maps that were supposed to take an hour ended up taking 10 hours to complete. Even then, victory wasn’t guaranteed. I reached the cartel city, where enemy Humvees with artillery prevented me from approaching. I managed to defeat them with tremendous effort, but then decided to go back two missions to acquire my own artillery. I replayed those missions, bought artillery, and dismantled the Humvees.
Eventually, I completed the game. Even towards the end, I was still learning new things. Such hardcore games are interesting because you can’t beat them on the first try. I think this game is underappreciated by the gaming community due to its specific gameplay – strategy games aren’t very popular nowadays because they require thinking, which many modern gamers find unappealing. Nevertheless, the game turned out to be very successful and provides a unique gaming experience not found in other titles.
Another important point that I did not mention is that this series “Ghost in the Shell” promotes a feminist agenda – the main character is a strong, independent and self-sufficient woman who easily defeats men. This is not the right pattern of behavior for a girl, such attitudes can harm the female psyche. A woman reveals herself in following a man, her role is family and children. Such women are usually happy. When a woman takes a role in society that is not characteristic of her, trying to compete with men, she may not withstand such stress and this results in mental problems and depression – an example of “American Beauty”. Therefore, watching this film, for example with children, you need to realize that this woman is a robot and she is forced to act in such conditions and explain how to do it right, and it is better not to watch such films with children at all.
Years ago we still had some Dutch bands with nationalist themes, the best in my opinion was Standrecht. But yes looking forward to seeing the music forum, would give me an opinion to re-listen to some old bands I used to like.
+ it’s also dark and depressing throughout, and perhaps has a cynical downer ending. It has both anti-traditional and anti-science themes simultaneously? For what that’s worth
The important thing is that you know what you’re getting into. It’s a horror movie in 2024, with all that implies.
Yeah, I watched it the other day and decided to share my impressions. It’s scary that people have forgotten how to think and form their thoughts and perceive any consistent text as the generation of a neural network.
I do really appreciate this project since it’s pretty much the only uncensored movie review place on the ‘net. I think I saw you say something somewhere about how your eventual dream is for this to become an all-inclusive reviews site for everything. GoodReads had been deleting my book reviews (and is outright deleting Dissident and Pro-White books from its site) so it made me wish for an uncensored book review site, like this but, well, for books. I know that would be a HUGE amount of work tho. Oh well, something to dream about…
This movie is paced terribly and Fraser’s performance is board-stiff; Silverstone is grating and bitchy. Yet somehow, once it gets going, the story resonates deeply with the modern-fatigued viewer. It’s pretty telling that Christopher Walken first ventures out into the ‘post-apocalyptic’ world and encounters an aggressive tranny prostitute. Back then I guess that would have been considered hilariously absurd. Back then it would have.
I agree 100%. And again, if some rich donor said to go back to RightWingTomatoes, I’d do it in a heartbeat. And I know it seems weird right now because my grand vision is far from complete. It’s still just a movie review site. So why not RightWingTomatoes? But ideally, we will have books, music, and help filter new media (like a customizable DrudgeReport that puts Odysee/Rumble/BitChute/random blogs all in one feed). If that is what the site looked like now, I think the new name would make more sense. We filter the subcultures and zeitgeists online. But even so, I didn’t know that most people don’t even know what “zeitgeist” means, lol. Fuck man… really wish I had the money to pay marketers and branding and all that. Just fumbling in the dark. Ah well. Still, I think it’s more harmful to keep switching names back and forth, and mentally I just view this as a side project for the time being. Too frustrating otherwise. But I’m with ya, man. Oh, and for what it’s worth, none of you guys knew but that initial rebrand was also because I was on a mission applying for grants, loans, and legit institutional support. I mean, I went balls to the wall, tons of networking events, tons of applications, cold calls, cold emails, meeting mentors, etc.
So it wasn’t just a marketing thing, it was also: “How can I make this project presentable to normies and banks?” But even the most legit start ups struggle to get capital if it’s not a brick and mortar business with existing profit. Especially if you don’t have collateral or rich parents. So there were other things going on behind the scenes for my rationale. But the dust has settled and I’m open to whatever. ?
By the way, I do not recommend the book of the same name, on which this series was filmed. The original story has more depression and hopelessness, less humor and romance. In general, the creators of the series significantly reworked the original work, and this was to its advantage.
Tanks. I watched it because of your review. Liked it a lot and can second your conclusion
Wrong movie, faggot.
how can i be slavic when i chat gpt (: https://zeitgeistreviews.com/critics/324897-Audience-Brahman-You_have_to_pay_for_everything/#comment-19
gpt is american development…
My one suggestion is that you shouldn’t necessarily have given up on the ‘RightWingTomatoes’ parody name. It’s just an amazing and immediately intuitive brand name recognition thing. Easy to remember and says immediately what it is and what it’s for. I imagine it’s what brought most people here and garnered you attention in the first place (it’s certainly what first brought me here). And I don’t think it necessarily signals a boomer normiecon kind of worldview anymore. The ‘right-wing’ label in popular understanding is increasingly extending beyond that to the ‘alt’ and ‘dissident’ edges. And besides, you say you welcome all perspectives, right?
Also I must say it seems kind of silly for this, of all sites, to be censoring ‘slurs’.
Anyhow, just my tuppence. Thanks for creating and running this thing!
Trans rights are human rights.
Fuckin’ lol. Damn dude. I knew it was goy slop shlocky romcom B movie, but not Dogshit Popcorn!
I figured I’d get some pushback on this review. I think the last time that happened was with “Talk To Me” (2022) because I said I didn’t mind the gaggle of negresses and changs in the cast. But for this, you can tell it’s a cheesy 90’s movie from the poster and release date. And the trailer. Didn’t think I needed to give a heads up about that.
I love 80’s and 90’s movies because they are unapologetically upbeat. I enjoy dark and gritty realistic movies but now everything is too self aware and makes meta jokes that break the fourth wall or try to one up each other with realism. I’m tired of every actor being ugly and frumpy. I want to watch gorgeous people LARP as normal.
Also, c’mon man! Loving animals is the Whitest thing you can do. Would love to read your review of “The Cove” (2009).
Anyways, hilarious excoriating review. Sorry to have led you astray.
Obviously a slav, lol stop pretending to be american.
Basically watch the last 2 episodes of the season 2 and forget everything else. Because that’s the only time Loki actually gets any development, or even something to do. The rest of the time it’s the Annoying Cuntfaced Bitch show. Every time this ‘Sylvie’ shows up it’s unbearable to watch. Even if she wasn’t, she just has no arc. She runs in, screeches obnoxiously, then acts like a dumb impulsive mingebag while being treated as The Bestast Evar by everyone, literally every episode. Even Loki is reduced to a dribbling lapdog in her presence. On top of that she has a low class northern accent and sounds NOTHING like any of the other Asgardians. When she finally fucks off in those last two episodes we finally get the time travel kino we were waiting for, though by then it’s almost too little too late. But Kang was actually decent. In fact he was the complex villain that Marvel was lacking. If you ask me, Thanos was just a bitch. It’s a shame Jonathan Majors had to chimpout IRL and knock his ex’s teeth out.