Awesome, thanks so much for your work! Although, just checking it now, I am logged in, but there’s no link on the review itself to edit/delete it. And when I go to my user profile I see the option ‘Edit Review’ (no option to delete tho) but when I click it nothing happens…
? Will add that soon. Logged in users can edit their reviews still but there’s an error where it removes all “br” tags and only keeps “&nbsр;” for line breaks. The formatting is all wonky. Originally the site only had anonymous reviews like the Chans, so there was no ability to edit because there was no way to restrict it to the original poster. Then later we added user profiles and registration step by step. So we’re missing some basic features.
Everyone will be able to delete and edit comments/reviews soon. And in a better way that’s more user friendly. But as of now, you should be able to edit reviews if you go back to that movie page while logged in. Try it.
We’ll also be improving the ghetto woke ratings and replace them with tags similar to Google reviews. Step by step though…
Thanks for your patience.
And human rights don’t exist
The adventures of Ryan Gosling:
Absolutely *****
I will add that on the plus side there is a theme about founding a Father, which is a wholesome theme, but on the negative side there is a feminist captain promoting the tiresome girl-power meme.
Only play if you’re gay.
Typo, sorry, final paragraph: Scent Of A Woman
Pretty solid movie mired by Plaza’s reddit schtick but saved by Hugh
I was going to say meds but then I remembered that the movie’s about an incel white guy getting cucked by a single mom with a sp*cs baby. So yeah, it is jewish.
I was logged out and can’t seem to log in again, or reset my password. The username I was using is “Wendelin St Clair”
Don’t you mean Alien 3?
Glad you like it! Keep coming back and speak your mind so we can continue to improve.
Word is that an official update for DOOM has just been released. You can fight online like 30 years ago:
The poster alone is enough to make me regurgitate the tangerine I just ate. It was a pretty good tangerine, but this movie is a vom bucket. And judging from how she looks here compared to the poster for ‘The Thing About Pam’, they must have spent half the budget on Zellweger’s deaging cgi.
I can’t properly review films, because the area where the review goes, cut’s off half way and is missing some elements, like the ability to score for woke.
sounds like a good watch
By the way, I do not recommend the book of the same name, on which this series was filmed. The original story has more depression and hopelessness, less humor and romance. In general, the creators of the series significantly reworked the original work, and this was to its advantage.
It’s for the very reasons you point out that it’s better not to overtly call it something with right-wing in the name, simply because it draws the wrong crowd. I hate lefties as much as the next guy, but the poltards are hardly an improvement. It is interesting hearing how serious you were taking this though. For books there have been a few guys who tried to setup a goodreads alternative, but my experience with those sites was that they were full of thin skinned reddit types who can’t take a joke. My reply is becoming pretty directionless, so I think I’ll cut it short before it turns into the review equivalent of Captain America Brave New World, or worse, Elizabethtown…but I would like to say that as someone whose voice has been kicked, flattened, banned, branded, and shoved unnecessarily into dark, tight places–it is nice to have a place to vent after watching utter dogsh*t. Cheers.