Big N Says
This THE alt-right film. A cursory glance at the racial dynamics in it misses the true Based character and import of the story. In short, this is a film about Aryans under Jewish power. The cast of characters is small and each of the six major characters fulfills an archetypal role that illustrates modern political realities, and underlying racial characteristics. As follows: 1) the Driver, a White man not subservient to Jews, and therefore also an outcast; 2) Shannon, a White man who chooses subservience to Jews, and is robbed of any but a pretense of self-actualization; 3) Irene, the White woman who grew up in a subverted society and was robbed of the protection she should have received and the ability to form a natural family; 4) Standard, the non-White who, however well-meaning, by his very presence cannot help but be a detriment to White society; 5) Bernie, the optical, liberal Jew, who nevertheless will always kill for his co-ethnic; and 6) Nino, the grug, nationalist Jew, who is motivated by revenge and resentment against Gentiles. All of the elements which would normally be subversive, in this case fit entirely within this interpretation. Big N says: watch this film!
Nov 19th 2024
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I was going to say meds but then I remembered that the movie’s about an incel white guy getting cucked by a single mom with a sp*c baby. So yeah, it is jewish.