Pretty solid movie mired by Plaza’s reddit schtick but saved by Hugh
Based review
sounds like a good watch
I was going to say meds but then I remembered that the movie’s about an incel white guy getting cucked by a single mom with a sp*cs baby. So yeah, it is jewish.
Don’t you mean Alien 3?
The adventures of Ryan Gosling:
there’s overt homoeroticism daubed over the entire movie, how is that not woke? every sex joke has to be about guy-on-guy. the joke where the desk jockey has a crush on deadpool it’s a guy. when deadpool makes jokes to the soldiers about raping him they’re guys. the single case where it’s not a guy, it’s a black woman. otherwise heterosexual attraction is verboten. like yeah compared to deadpool 2 with the horrid dykes in it, it’s far less woke. but don’t try and make out that it has no woke in it.
Well, not a fascist, just a Nationalist and I don’t meet that many fascist and natsocs, but yeah nationalist demo’s in the Netherlands and Flanders look exactly like that, though more amicable. 🙂
Whoa it’s a good thing the interface on here sucks because this site is f**king dogsh*t and I hope it fails LOL
My one suggestion is that you shouldn’t necessarily have given up on the ‘RightWingTomatoes’ parody name. It’s just an amazing and immediately intuitive brand name recognition thing. Easy to remember and says immediately what it is and what it’s for. I imagine it’s what brought most people here and garnered you attention in the first place (it’s certainly what first brought me here). And I don’t think it necessarily signals a boomer normiecon kind of worldview anymore. The ‘right-wing’ label in popular understanding is increasingly extending beyond that to the ‘alt’ and ‘dissident’ edges. And besides, you say you welcome all perspectives, right?
Also I must say it seems kind of silly for this, of all sites, to be censoring ‘slurs’.
Anyhow, just my tuppence. Thanks for creating and running this thing!
Hilarious review.
Yeah, perhaps. The child is going through a crisis due to the death of his mother and the move to a new place with his father’s new wife. He is not accepting her, and he’s facing trouble at his new school. In his troubled imagination this story plays out, in which he accepts a new mother, decides to take responsibility for his own life. And then, the painful chapter comes to an end.
This whole movie is just vertigo porn. The trick works for the first forty minutes but they totally overuse it to the point where it’s just annoying.
Word is that an official update for DOOM has just been released. You can fight online like 30 years ago:
This film rules dude.
a gaggle of ancient broads with one foot in the casket and they still think they deserve a tom brady. the limits of hypergamy are truly beyond reason.
Never mind, the woke score is in a tab below, but the area for reviews cut’s of at the four star mark.