deja vu sounds right
It’s all good, part of the fun is shitting on it afterwards. I mean compared to ‘Elizabethtown’, Dog Park was fucking oscar material.
I will add that on the plus side there is a theme about founding a Father, which is a wholesome theme, but on the negative side there is a feminist captain promoting the tiresome girl-power meme.
>trapped in the gilded cage of modern existence
“What’s your dream job? What do you wanna’ do when you grow up?”
“Uhhh, I’m gonna’ be a doctor.”
“How much do you wanna’ make?”
“I’m gonna’ make.. people feel ok.”
Great seeing a lot of young people on this site, hope it grows.
Bernadette lafont is so hot
I was going to say meds but then I remembered that the movie’s about an incel white guy getting cucked by a single mom with a spic baby. So yeah, it is jewish.
Walkthrough of the game for the mage in a fast way on a high difficulty. For hardcore lovers:
My phone slipped and I accidentally put 5 for fedora tipping. Shit.
I can’t properly review films, because the area where the review goes, cut’s off half way and is missing some elements, like the ability to score for woke.
This film rules dude.
I do really appreciate this project since it’s pretty much the only uncensored movie review place on the ‘net. I think I saw you say something somewhere about how your eventual dream is for this to become an all-inclusive reviews site for everything. GoodReads had been deleting my book reviews (and is outright deleting Dissident and Pro-White books from its site) so it made me wish for an uncensored book review site, like this but, well, for books. I know that would be a HUGE amount of work tho. Oh well, something to dream about…
Another important point that I did not mention is that this series “Ghost in the Shell” promotes a feminist agenda – the main character is a strong, independent and self-sufficient woman who easily defeats men. This is not the right pattern of behavior for a girl, such attitudes can harm the female psyche. A woman reveals herself in following a man, her role is family and children. Such women are usually happy. When a woman takes a role in society that is not characteristic of her, trying to compete with men, she may not withstand such stress and this results in mental problems and depression – an example of “American Beauty”. Therefore, watching this film, for example with children, you need to realize that this woman is a robot and she is forced to act in such conditions and explain how to do it right, and it is better not to watch such films with children at all.
What a confusing mixture of cringe and basedness. It’s like caviar served with manure.
The messaging in this is terrible >your dad is secretly an evil killer >family men with normal lives are secretly evil killers >mystery meat pop stars good
you can watch it here
Lol cry more.