  • Sebastián Silva
Summary: A close-knit trio navigates the idea of creating life, while at the same time being confronted with a brutal scenario.
Runtime: 1 h 41 min

Distributor: The Orchard
Country: United States
Language: English
Domestic: $ 79,800
International: $ 972
Summary: As Jamie travels in Chile, he invites an eccentric woman to join his group's quest to score a fabled hallucinogen, a move that finds him at odds with his new companion, until they drink the magic brew on a beach at the edge of the...
Runtime: 1 h 38 min
MPAA: Not Rated

Production: Diroriro, Fabula
Country: Chile
Language: Spanish
Domestic: $ 202,370
International: $ 21,451
Summary: Sebastián Silva is detached from life, struggling to succeed in the art world and habitually taking ketamine. When he meets social media influencer Jordan Firstman at a nudist beach, the two discuss collaborating, but fate has oth...
Runtime: 1 h 49 min
MPAA: Unrated

Countries: Mexico, United States
Language: Spanish

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