  • #aphrodite
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Summary: Pattie, an ambitious and daring mouse has big dreams to be an adventurer and a hero. When her homeland in Ancient Greece is threatened by Poseidon himself, Pattie is determined to save her city.
Runtime: 1 h 35 min

Countries: France, United States
Language: French
Domestic: $ 355,088
International: $ 14,755,931
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Summary: Mary Fiore is San Francisco's most successful supplier of romance and glamor. She knows all the tricks. She knows all the rules. But then she breaks the most important rule of all: she falls in love with the groom.
Runtime: 1 h 43 min

Language: English
Movie budget: $ 35,000,000
Domestic: $ 60,400,856
International: $ 34,327,673