  • Judith Kaufmann
Summary: The educated Fariba Tabrizi flies from Teheran to Germany expecting to have asylum, since she is persecuted in Iran due to her lesbian relationship with her beloved Shirin. However, her application is denied by the authorities and...
Runtime: 1 h 37 min

Countries: Germany, Austria
Language: German
Movie budget: $ 2,000,000
Domestic: $ 3,025
Summary: As the Berlin Wall crumbles, Katrine, the daughter of a Norwegian woman and a German occupation soldier, finds her idyllic life disrupted as she refuses to testify a trial against the Norwegian state on behalf of her fellow "war c...
Runtime: 1 h 37 min
MPAA: Unrated

Countries: Germany, Norway
Language: German
Domestic: $ 22,620
International: $ 1,626,640