  • #indian guru
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Summary: An imperial guard and his three traitorous childhood friends ordered to hunt him down get accidentally buried and kept frozen in time. 400 years later passes and they are defrosted continuing the battle they left behind.
Runtime: 1 h 44 min

Countries: China, Hong Kong, Bermuda
Language: Chinese
Movie budget: $ 200,000,000
Domestic: $ 7,679
International: $ 26,026,238
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Summary: Pitka, an American raised outside of his country by gurus, returns to the States in order to break into the self-help business. His first challenge is to settle the romantic troubles and subsequent professional skid of a star hock...
Runtime: 1 h 27 min

Movie budget: $ 62,000,000
Domestic: $ 32,235,793
International: $ 8,641,763
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Summary: A Tango dancer and a rabbi develop a plan to enter a dance competition without sacrificing his orthodox beliefs. Family, tolerance, and community are tested one dazzling dance step at a time.
Runtime: 1 h 55 min

Distributor: Vision Films
Country: United States
Language: English
Domestic: $ 102,651
International: $ 1,887