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Summary: The year is 1990, the rave scene has just entered England. The sound of the Stone roses lurks toward Shaun and the gang. This means that Woody and Lol are living in a domestic bliss, they are happy again. But this year will see hu...
Release Date: September 13, 2015
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Crime
Runtime: 0 h 55 min

Production: Warp Films
Language: English
White88.24%Mixed / Other5.88%Asian5.88%
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Summary: Shaun has just finished his final exams and he realizes he is no longer a kid. It's mid 80's England, and the gang are back, looking for a laugh, a job and something that resembles a future.
Release Date: September 07, 2010
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Crime
Runtime: 0 h 47 min

Production: Warp Films
Language: English
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Summary: Magazine show featuring lifestyle, cookery, fashion and news segments, along with celebrity interviews and gossip.
Release Date: October 03, 1988
Genres: News, Talk-Show
Runtime: 2 h 30 min

Production: Granada Television
Language: English
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