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Summary: When Chansonia, a nightclub, is shut down by the landlord, the stage manager Pigoil is forced to look for a new job. He finds hope when he discovers a young woman with a lovely singing voice.
Runtime: 2 h 00 min

Language: French
Domestic: $ 851,540
International: $ 12,089,082

Box office:


Possible Big Business:


Constantin Film

BechdeltestNo women talkingNo MPAA or IMDb parental guidance data has been imported yet.
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Jean Cocteau: Le phénix (2003)

Jacques Tati, le rire démocratique (2002)

Les 1001 marguerites (1986)

On efface tout (1979)

Les noces de porcelaine (1975)

L'oiseau rare (1973)

Midi minuit (1970)

OSS 117 prend des vacances (1970)

La Bonne Dame (1966)

Actors: Valeska Gert
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