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Summary: Dr. John Becker goes through his daily routine of being a doctor, stopping at his favorite diner, and other various situations, all the while hating life and everything around him.
Release Date: November 02, 1998
Genre: Comedy
Runtime: 0 h 22 min

Country: United States
Language: English

Possible Big Business:


Paramount Television


White55.56%Black22.22%Latino11.11%Mixed / Other5.56%Indian5.56%
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Summary: Brothers Brian and Joe Hackett attempt to run an airline on the New England island of Nantucket while surrounded by their various wacky friends and employees.
Release Date: April 19, 1990
Genres: Comedy, Drama
Runtime: 0 h 30 min

Country: United States
Language: English
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Summary: A divorced man tries to get his life back in order after losing everything to his ex-wife.
Release Date: October 06, 1988
Genre: Comedy
Runtime: 0 h 30 min

Country: United States
Language: English
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Summary: The post-retirement season is suddenly disrupted for football player George Papadapolis and his wife Katherine when Webster, the orphaned son of a former teammate, moves in. Laughter, and life lessons, in every episode.
Release Date: September 16, 1983
Genres: Comedy, Family
Runtime: 0 h 30 min

Country: United States
Language: English
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The Pursuit of Happiness (1995)

Sanchez of Bel Air (1986)

Actors: Richard Coca, Marcia del Mar, Alitzah, Reni Santoni, and Bobby Sherman

Harper Valley P.T.A. (1981)

Actors: Richard Coca, Marcia del Mar, Alitzah, Reni Santoni, and Bobby Sherman

Gridlock (1980)

Actors: Richard Coca, Marcia del Mar, Alitzah, Reni Santoni, and Bobby Sherman
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