Audience Reviews:
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Race | White | Total | Visuals | Info |
Forebears | 3 | 3 | ||
Surname | 1 | 1 | ||
Total | 4 | 4 | ||
Cast Percentages | 100% | 100% | ||
U.S. Population (1970) Percentage | 83.2% | |||
U.S. Population (1970) Representation | +16.8 | |||
U.S. Buying Power (2000) Percentage | 81.25% | |||
U.S. Buying Power (2000) Representation | +18.75 | |||
U.S. Average Individual Income (2018) Percentage | 88.52% | |||
U.S. Average Individual Income (2018) Representation | +11.48 | |||
World population (1969) Percentage | 22.51% | NOTE: ZR is the first organization to ever create a global buying power divided by race.
Essentially we just took data from FactBook, UN Population Estimates, and The World Bank's Population Estimates / Purchasing Power Parity Per Capita.
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World population (1969) Representation | +77.49 | |||
World Buying Power Percentage | 36.48% | NOTE: ZR is the first organization to ever create a global buying power divided by race.
Essentially we just took data from FactBook, UN Population Estimates, and The World Bank's Population Estimates / Purchasing Power Parity Per Capita.
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World Buying Power Representation | +63.52 | |||
Notes |
MPAA Certification | No MPAA rating found yet. Add Family Friendly Rating? |
IMDb Rating updated: 2024-10-25Update data | |
Commonsensemedia Rating updated: 2024-10-25Update data | |
Message | The theme/message of the movie is to persevere no matter what -- never quit. |
Role model | Nancy keeps calm after the shark bites her and she's stranded. She decides that she isn't going to quit and will fight to the end. She stitches up her own wound, then observes the shark and tries to learn its patterns so she can outsmart it. That said, she does also hitchhike to a secluded beach by herself and keep surfing after locals have called it a day. Nancy's friend bails on her. |
Violence | (Possible spoiler alert ahead!) Strong, frequent peril and plenty of blood. Nancy is bitten by the shark and bleeds. The shark jumps out of the water and eats someone. A man is pulled down into the water by the shark while Nancy tries to save him. A man crawls up on to the beach, but the lower half of his body is left behind. Viewers hear (but don't see) someone being eaten by a shark. The shark circles Nancy and jumps at her. Nancy stitches up her leg using her jewelry. A dead whale is shown half eaten and floating in the water. Nancy swims through a pocket of jellyfish and gets stung. Nancy is pummeled by the shark and by waves, which throw her into the coral. In a sad moment, Nancy says goodbye to her dad and sister in a video when she thinks she might not survive. She's pulled out of the water not breathing. |
Sex | Close-up shots of Nancy's chest and butt. Nancy's friend meets a guy and texts Nancy to tell her not to wait up. |
Language | Nancy says "Oh my God," "f--k," and "s--t" while taking on the shark. |
Consumerism | Close-up shots of a Sony phone and its video call feature, Banana Boat sunscreen and a RipCurl wetsuit top. A Go Pro camera is used. |
Drugs | A man is seen passed out on a beach with an empty bottle. Nancy's friend can't go surfing with her because she's too hung over. |
Dove Rating | |
Language | |
Violence | |
Drugs | |
Nudity | |
Other |
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