The Beekeeper ****1/2

This goofy but thoroughly enjoyable they-messed-with-the-wrong-guy flick is an instant classic in the Jason Statham action canon. Here the softspoken British badass plays Adam Clay, a beekeeper who develops a special bond with Eloise (Phylicia Rashad), the elderly woman from whom he rents a barn. After a phishing scam cleans out a local charity fund and drives a confused and despairing Eloise to suicide, the culprits must cope with the fact that her friend Mr. Clay not only keeps bees, but is also a retired Beekeeper – a highly skilled assassin belonging to a secretive agency devoted to protecting the American way of life by any means necessary. Multiple government agencies, including his own Beekeepers, try to take down Clay before he pummels, burns, kicks, and crashes his way...

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Dec 4th 2024
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