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Summary: The evolution of a family from the last days of the Frankist dictatorship to the early 1980s.
Release Date: September 13, 2001
Runtime: 1 h 00 min

Country: Spain
Language: Spanish
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Summary: Everything takes place in the times of Felipe II when he begins to lose all the lands conquered by his father Carlos I. Don Juan appears before this panorama, a man who will see his wishes fulfilled .
Runtime: 1 h 31 min

Country: Spain
Language: Spanish
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Summary: Adopted by a treacherous semi-scientific cult where extraordinary mental powers are common, extraordinary 12-year-old David begins an archetypal journey across two continents to find his destiny as Child of the Moon.
Runtime: 1 h 58 min

Country: Spain
Language: Spanish
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Turno de oficio: Diez años después (1996)

Puede ser divertido (1995)

Farmacia de guardia (1991)

Actors: Concha Cuetos, Miguel Ángel Garzón, Julián González, África Gozalbes, Carlos Larrañaga, and Antonio Mercero

Cuentos de Borges (1992)

Actors: Concha Cuetos, Miguel Ángel Garzón, Julián González, África Gozalbes, Carlos Larrañaga, and Antonio Mercero

La reina anónima (1992)

Actors: Concha Cuetos, Miguel Ángel Garzón, Julián González, África Gozalbes, Carlos Larrañaga, and Antonio Mercero

Aqui D'El Rei! (1992)

Actors: Concha Cuetos, Miguel Ángel Garzón, Julián González, África Gozalbes, Carlos Larrañaga, and Antonio Mercero

La mujer de tu vida (1990)

Actors: Concha Cuetos, Miguel Ángel Garzón, Julián González, África Gozalbes, Carlos Larrañaga, and Antonio Mercero

Delirios de amor (1989)

Actors: Concha Cuetos, Miguel Ángel Garzón, Julián González, África Gozalbes, Carlos Larrañaga, and Antonio Mercero

Esa cosa con plumas (1988)

Actors: Concha Cuetos, Miguel Ángel Garzón, Julián González, África Gozalbes, Carlos Larrañaga, and Antonio Mercero

El viaje a ninguna parte (1986)

Actors: Concha Cuetos, Miguel Ángel Garzón, Julián González, África Gozalbes, Carlos Larrañaga, and Antonio Mercero
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