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Summary: A crew on a mission to rescue a marooned base on a desert planet turns deadly when the crew finds themselves hunted and attacked by the planet's apex predators: giant sand worms.
Runtime: 1 h 26 min
MPAA: Not Rated

Countries: United States, Canada
Language: English
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Alien: Rubicon (2024)

Ape X Mecha Ape: New World Order (2024)

Alien Apocalypse (2023)

Dante's Hotel (2023)

Actors: Judd Nelson and AnnaLynne McCord

The Little Mermaid (2023)

Actors: Judd Nelson and AnnaLynne McCord

We're Alive: Descendants (2022)

Actors: Judd Nelson and AnnaLynne McCord

Ice Storm (2023)

Actors: Judd Nelson and AnnaLynne McCord

20.0 Megaquake (2022)

Actors: Judd Nelson and AnnaLynne McCord

Super Volcano (2022)

Actors: Judd Nelson and AnnaLynne McCord

Shark Sided of the Moon (2022)

Actors: Judd Nelson and AnnaLynne McCord

Swim (2021)

Actors: Judd Nelson and AnnaLynne McCord

Alien Conquest (2021)

Actors: Judd Nelson and AnnaLynne McCord

Triassic Hunt (2021)

Actors: Michael Paré

Asteroid-a-Geddon (2020)

Actors: Michael Paré
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