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Summary: Funny matchmaking game for teen girls. Heidi's hosting a girl's club party and it's all about boys. Compete with your friends to pick your dream boyfriends from over 20 candidates. Only the winner gets the perfect date.

Country: United States
Language: English
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Summary: Prophet Angel has been captured by Gar Hob, the lord of darkness. Banish him and save the world by redeeming the evil spirits of 31 historical figures. Find an item important to them and lure them in to the correct cleansing room.

Country: United States
Language: English
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Summary: Young rebellious Buzz and his old ant-expert professor Doc have seven days to try to find a way to stop the invasion of hyper-intelligent mind-controlling mutated ants led by monstrous AntMind on their small desert town and save t...
MPAA: Not Rated

Production: Cinemaware
Country: United States
Language: English
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