  • Production
  • Janimation
Summary: Four courageous adventurers land on the planet of Pandora, a barren wasteland filled with dangerous creatures, in search of The Vault, a mysterious relic that contains untold technology, and only opens every 200 years.

Country: United States
Language: English
Summary: Alien Rage takes place on an asteroid which humans and an alien species known as Vorus were jointly mining for Promethium, a highly efficient but extremely dangerous source of energy.

Production: Janimation
Country: Poland
Language: English
Summary: Before the events of Borderlands 2, Handsome Jack begins a rise to power on the surface of Elpis, Pandora's Moon, while a group of vault hunters battles a rouge military group known as The Lost Legion.

Language: English
Summary: In this FPS/RPG, Troy and Tyreen Calypso learn of other Vaults beyond the planet Pandora, and form a violent cult named the "Children of the Vault" to gain possession of them, while Lilith recruits the "Vault Hunter" to get to the...

Country: United States
Language: English