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Release Date: November 06, 2008
Genre: Reality-TV
MPAA: E10+

Country: United States
Language: English
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Release Date: October 16, 2007
Genre: Reality-TV

Production: Disney Interactive
Country: United States
Language: English
Game budget: $ 5,000,000

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Disney Interactive

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Summary: Take on the role of a female contestant on the hit show and live your very own Love Island experience. Choose which season to jump into for unique and exciting adventures where your choices change the story. You'll join a diverse ...

Production: Fusebox
Language: English
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Summary: Strike a pose with a multitude of motion-based microgames in a brand-new entry in the WarioWare series.
MPAA: E10+

Countries: Japan, United States
Language: English
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Release Date: November 24, 2008
Genre: Reality-TV

Production: Indies Zero
Language: English
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