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Summary: Evil Genius 2 is a satirical spy-fie lair builder, where players take control of an Evil Genius and set their plans for world domination in motion. When it feels this good to be bad, the Forces of Justice don't stand a chance.

Country: United States
Language: English
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Summary: The game follows the storyline of the movie. Bond must fight the international terrorist Renard, who plots to use nuclear weapons to achieve his dark objectives.
Runtime: 5 h 00 min

Language: English
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Treasure (2020)

Actors: Samantha Bond, Robert Del Maestro, Alexander Hanson, Nicola Quilter, Julia Lima, Linton Davies, James Dangerfield, James Nisbet, Roisin Keogh, Emily Harwood, Tom Hanson, and Molly Hanson
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