Yup. “Based On a True Story” movies are the way to go. Best way to ensure minimal Hollywood BS. (Keyword: minimal.)
This movie addresses some tough topics but I think all ages can see it. Any negative components can be portrayed as a PSA against drug use. And since this was based on the book by a real recovered homeless drug attic, it’s realistic! No crap about how everyone on the street...
I hated this garbage and almost stopped halfway through. I’m not sure if I can watch another Disney movie after this. Visually it’s amazing, but the agendas pushed make this unbearable to sit through. I swear, Disney is the absolute worst when it comes to liberal BS in Hollywood.
*Sigh* I’m sick of 4Chan being right…
You can google “Moana feminist” and look up results...
It’s weird, they seemed to have cast their version of Gaston based on Robbie Rotten (pictured above), and a La Fou based on Jack Black. But couldn’t afford the original actors. All things considered, those 2 personas were fitting choices for the live action adaptation. And speaking of La Fou, all the hype about him being gay made my expectations of this film very low, but it really wasn’t...
Don't waste your time. Per usual, any Hollywood movie based on a small town will be incredibly racist in its portrayal of Southern whites. With – of course – no sense of irony or self awareness in regard to its blatant hypocrisy as it spouts off platitudes about the horrors of small minded bigots.
I can hang with the stupid Southerner trope even though it's been done to death. Not...
Good premise. Nice actors. Worth watching.
Parts of the film seem like unnecessary pain and suffering for the sake of it, but that's okay. It's to be expected of a drama chick flick. It's done well enough to get you sucked into their world and invested emotionally.
The script contained two slights against conservatives that irked me and seemed unnecessary. So I did some research comparing the...
Just recently watched this movie again. It was made a few years before 911 so the parallels with how we treat barbaric Muslim invaders is purely accidental. Afterall, Bush didn't coin the Orwellian "Islam is a religion of peace" lie until after the attacks. But boy oh boy, is this film right on the money. I feel stupid giving such a slapstick movie 4 stars, but it does a great job of making fun of...
Great movie! Amazing motifs that are cleverly depicted. It will inspire you, warm your heart, and leave you with philosophical questions to ponder in regards to your own life. Definitely go see it!
The "diversity" in the cast was well placed and fitting because the script was all about jazz and show biz. Except for the opening scene which tries to jam as many non-whites in as possible to reach their...
Meh. You can support the film, but if you never see it, you're not missing out. It's made by the same guys who did "Napoleon Dynamite" and is really just a second rate version of that. Lots of dry, weird humor. There's absolutely no way that the same film could be made today. Lots of "Tim & Eric" style ugly people who were casted solely due to their hideous appearance. And tons of jabs at Mexico...
Goofy and nostalgic movie (nostalgic for the era and style of film; this was actually the first time I ever watched it). Great to watch when you want to relax and laugh after a long day.
The whole movie is one big tranny joke. It's chock-full of gay jokes, race jokes, and fat jokes as well. You don't realize what you got until it's gone, I guess. I grew up watching "Married... with Children" and...
Good premise. Thrilling cinematography. Worth watching.
You see, they changed the message of the novel, (which was apparently very pro-life, anti-immigration quota, and all about strong morals being necessary for a healthy society), and tried to turn it into an Antifa type movie. The messages aren't shoved down your throat like most Hollywood movies, so thankfully it leaves it up to interpretation....
Not a lot to say about the film. Senseless comedy. Not preachy, though, so that's great. A man gets raped and there's some gay jokes in it. Definitely feels dated because of that stuff. In fact, the very premise of pick up artists couldn't be a blockbuster movie unless they were beaten to death or 100% female pick up artists.
It's weird rewatching films now that I'm "redpilled" because I realize...
Worth a watch. Overall good moral to the story, albeit not very traditional. This goes into the whole chicken or the egg debate with Hollywood of if its plots have a transformative or reflective relation with society. Whether you like it or not, the bizarre new social norms of courtship and divorce portrayed in the movie may be relatable to your own life. There was also brief dialogue about feminism...
Sequels usually suck. It's hard to balance giving what the audience liked in the first place, and also giving them something new without deviating too much from what clicked originally. Sadly, this film was just the same exact formula, but with slight changes. If it was an homage or two, it would have been cute. But the whole thing felt like one throwback after another, and just came off as lazy.
The white male protagonist is effeminate and incompetent. No big deal, though, because it's a buddy cop movie and they chose to make Jackie Chan the straight man. But Jackie normally does slapstick humor with his fighting, so why not make him the goofy one? Well, they did the same in "Rush Hour" so it's not a white guy thing, per se. When you compare any American to the robotic / hierarchical Far East...
The white protagonist is a fumbling pansy, but that's his character as the geeky scientist trope. Definitely easy to ignore and not get too annoyed by. There were a couple scenes and lines in there about a woman being strong and tough, while making the white men seem like threatened bigots blind to how badass chicks can be. ◔_◔ But that is also to be expected. Just a cheesy family flick, so don't...
The anti-patriotism rating is maxed out because the entire movie is a critique of our Military Industrial Complex. If you identify with the paleocons more than the neocons that hijacked the GOP, then you won't mind this critique because there are no jabs at soldiers or anything like that. And may I remind you that a Republican president is the one who coined the term "Military Industrial Complex" :
Great documentary. No political agenda crap added in at all. Fascinating story of a guy with a few screws loose who lived ahead of his time. This is the second time I've watched this movie and I found it even more riveting the second time 'round.
Not much to say about it without ruining your viewing experience so just trust me and watch it. Especially if you fit on either of the bottom two political...
Pretty good. The documentary was surprisingly fair. Simultaneously dishing out criticism and praise; with of course more of the latter since this is a posthumous TV special walking on egg shells. Don't worry though, 'cuz Bill Burr is here to cut through the BS and dismantle the Steve Jobs hype:
All stand up should be taken with a grain of salt, but Bill makes some very valid points, some of...
I was a big fan of the "Broken Windows Theory" explanation, (popularized by Malcolm Gladwell), of why crime was greatly reduced in the 90's. But then I read "Freakonomics" and discovered their opposing theory that claimed legal abortion was the real reason crime dropped, since less unwanted hooligans born = less unwanted crimes committed.
Occam's Razor and my gut say the abortion theory held much...
If you've never seen this film, you should. Quite bittersweet watching it again recently. It wasn't that long ago that we could cathartically laugh at the differences between our cultures. I know that it was just Hollywood fantasy and that multiculturalism almost always leads to tribal tension. Case and point being Patrice O'Neal's savage roast:
(Language warning!)
Total found: 1917