  • Morton Moss
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  • This review was posted from Ireland or from a VPN in Ireland.
    Anon 8 December 2024 20:34 to post Loki

    Basically watch the last 2 episodes of the season 2 and forget everything else. Because that’s the only time Loki actually gets any development, or even something to do. The rest of the time it’s the Annoying C**tfaced B**ch show. Every time this ‘Sylvie’ shows up it’s unbearable to watch. Even if she wasn’t, she just has no arc. She runs in, screeches obnoxiously, then acts like a dumb impulsive mingebag while being treated as The Bestast Evar by everyone, literally every episode. Even Loki is reduced to a dribbling lapdog in her presence. On top of that she has a low class northern accent and sounds NOTHING like any of the other Asgardians. When she finally f**ks off in those last two episodes we finally get the time travel kino we were waiting for, though by then it’s almost too little too late. But Kang was actually decent. In fact he was the complex villain that Marvel was lacking. If you ask me, Thanos was just a b**ch. It’s a shame Jonathan Majors had to chimpout IRL and knock his ex’s teeth out.

  • This review was posted from Canada or from a VPN in Canada.
    Anon 1 January 12:19 to post “A Street Cat Named Bob”

    Great and accurate review. I’d just like to add that the movie is set in modern londen, with obvious implications.

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    RWT 27 September 2024 7:45 to post okay

    Everyone White in M Night Shamalyan’s “Old” was a bad guy, & now this film makes it clear it’s not just coincidental 2020’s casting trying to avoid controversy. That curry [redacted] is an anti-White Pajeet ungrateful for the wealth he’s gotten in the West. Like all of the second generation Pajeets who come and subvert IT companies. 

    That film’s synopsis sounds like it was based on Ariana Grande’s concert and his daughter looks like her too. And ofc, in reality the scum that trapped a bunch of innocent little (White) girls was a Muzzie from Libya. 

    But Shamalyan portrays the exact opposite scenario where the White male family man is to not be trusted. Hollywood always inverts reality like they did with “A Time To Kill” (1996).

    Glad I didn’t watch this crap, thanks for saving me 2 hours.  
    Did not redeem

  • This review was posted from Ireland or from a VPN in Ireland.
    Anon 18 October 2024 20:02 to post Underrated and under radar


  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    Brahman 5 September 2024 6:17 to post Egoism is born from the soil of permissiveness

    In a modern context, this parable can serve as an illustration of how various woke-minorities take advantage of the kindness and tolerance of the true masters to dictate their agenda.

  • This review was posted from Canada or from a VPN in Canada.
    Anon 24 December 2024 18:29 to post Whether to see BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN

    This review does not make any judgement about the film, it only judges other reviewers. It does not talk about the merits (or lack therof) of brokeback mountain.

  • This review was posted from Ireland or from a VPN in Ireland.
    Anon 18 October 2024 20:03 to post Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre

    Pretty solid movie mired by Plaza’s reddit schtick but saved by Hugh

  • This review was posted from Luxembourg or from a VPN in Luxembourg.
    iwatchshitSTFU Hollywood 25 February 19:07 to post Coming Soon

    It’s for the very reasons you point out that it’s better not to overtly call it something with right-wing in the name, simply because it draws the wrong crowd. I hate lefties as much as the next guy, but the poltards are hardly an improvement.
    It is interesting hearing how serious you were taking this though. For books there have been a few guys who tried to setup a goodreads alternative, but my experience with those sites was that they were full of thin skinned reddit types who can’t take a joke. My reply is becoming pretty directionless, so I think I’ll cut it short before it turns into the review equivalent of Captain America Brave New World, or worse, Elizabethtown…but I would like to say that as someone whose voice has been kicked, flattened, banned, branded, and shoved unnecessarily into dark, tight places–it is nice to have a place to vent after watching utter dogsh*t. Cheers.

    4 1
  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    BrahmanAnon 31 October 2024 11:20 to post Enlightenment Guaranteed: When Spiritual Journey Breaks Instagram Expectations

    It is possible to teach AI to write without structure and with errors. But whether the essence will be conveyed better in such a form is a big question.

  • This review was posted from Canada or from a VPN in Canada.
    Anon 15 January 10:12 to post Curt Hayward

    Curt is a much better actor than one would think, based on his very limited resume. And Curt is a really good singer and mimic of famous pop, hip-hop, rock and jazz singers.

  • This review was posted from the United Kingdom or from a VPN in the United Kingdom.
    Anonalisha 10 October 2024 15:04 to post FAQ

    Hello Love, please do the needful and post Bob!

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    RWTBarbaroSSa 21 December 2024 2:30 to post holy kino

    I wanna write a review on this but it has no IMDb page to import from. Anyways, for a hitpiece they did a horrible job. Made Spain look awesome and this is how I imagine you and Beertje Blauw:

    “Inside Spain’s Fascism Fandom” – VICE

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    Anon 30 October 2024 7:27 to post Enlightenment Guaranteed: When Spiritual Journey Breaks Instagram Expectations

    Was this review generated with AI? No offense, it just seems very structured in an a way you don’t usually see for reviews

  • This review was posted from Australia or from a VPN in Australia.
    Anon 19 December 2024 6:36 to post Poignant Leftism Without Woke

    The fedora tipping should be 1 instead of 5. Affirmative Action Should be 0. It slipped while I was using a phone. Sorry lads.

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    jerryfino 27 November 2024 16:10 to post Elite prep school student Charlie...

    Typo, sorry, final paragraph: Scent Of A Woman

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    STFU HollywoodAnon 19 January 3:02 to post Feedback

    So we checked, and our system works. The email sent, but unfortunately since we don’t require email verification, we don’t have one of yours on file. It just sends to the admins by default until a user adds their own. And your current password is encrypted so we don’t even know what it is. All we can do is generate a new one. But obviously it’s a security risk if we just hand that out to whomever. My apologies, but I think you’re S.O.L. with that account unless you can remember the password. I’ll check with the webdevs and try to find a solution though and if we find a way we’ll let you know.
    For anyone else reading this, if you care about your account, please remember to add a backup email via the /settings/ option by clicking the profile icon on the top right of the page. We only make it optional to respect users’ privacy and autonomy, but it’s a bad practice that mainstream sites would never do.

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    Beertje Blauw 2 February 18:27 to post Feedback

    I can’t properly review films, because the area where the review goes, cut’s off half way and is missing some elements, like the ability to score for woke.

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    iwatchshit 23 February 17:29 to post Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy

    The poster alone is enough to make me regurgitate the tangerine I just ate. It was a pretty good tangerine, but this movie is a vom bucket. And judging from how she looks here compared to the poster for ‘The Thing About Pam’, they must have spent half the budget on Zellweger’s deaging cgi.

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    Anon 6 February 5:22 to post FAQ

    I appreciate that you are not Letterboxd, even though their website loads quicker.

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    mypasswordispassword 30 December 2024 15:36 to post The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim: Reactionary Review: My Honest Thoughts

    Video review with a contrarian (positive) recommendation. Argent claims
    that the movie isn’t woke, and the arguments show that it isn’t
    *explicitly*. Argents threshold for wokeness seems pretty tolerant of
    it, but his points stand.

    Lots of spoilers in the review, Argent goes through pretty much the entire plot.