Absolutely *****
Its my absolute favorite movie ever.
Basically watch the last 2 episodes of the season 2 and forget everything else. Because that’s the only time Loki actually gets any development, or even something to do. The rest of the time it’s the Annoying Cuntfaced Bitch show. Every time this ‘Sylvie’ shows up it’s unbearable to watch. Even if she wasn’t, she just has no arc. She runs in, screeches obnoxiously, then acts like a dumb impulsive mingebag while being treated as The Bestast Evar by everyone, literally every episode. Even Loki is reduced to a dribbling lapdog in her presence. On top of that she has a low class northern accent and sounds NOTHING like any of the other Asgardians. When she finally fucks off in those last two episodes we finally get the time travel kino we were waiting for, though by then it’s almost too little too late. But Kang was actually decent. In fact he was the complex villain that Marvel was lacking. If you ask me, Thanos was just a bitch. It’s a shame Jonathan Majors had to chimpout IRL and knock his ex’s teeth out.
One recommendation: Most of the time, after someone posts a review you get a lot of reactions from people, thumb ups, or downs, a reply, etc but then it mostly sinks down, for example nobody responded to any of my reviews in the months I have been gone. Old reviews are snowed under and forgotten. So it might be a good idea to make a 4th button next to latest that shows random reviews from everyone on the site. This way you increase the engagement with other people’s reviews and makes it easier for people to find new media to watch.
Stunning and brave.
It is possible to teach AI to write without structure and with errors. But whether the essence will be conveyed better in such a form is a big question.
there’s dune2 pvp https://youtu.be/3Na8dBWi-Jc
Heads up: There’s some woke stuff sprinkled throughout the film, though it’s not the main focus of the story.
Whoa it’s a good thing the interface on here sucks because this site is fucking dogshit and I hope it fails LOL
I do really appreciate this project since it’s pretty much the only uncensored movie review place on the ‘net. I think I saw you say something somewhere about how your eventual dream is for this to become an all-inclusive reviews site for everything. GoodReads had been deleting my book reviews (and is outright deleting Dissident and Pro-White books from its site) so it made me wish for an uncensored book review site, like this but, well, for books. I know that would be a HUGE amount of work tho. Oh well, something to dream about…
Typo, sorry, final paragraph: Scent Of A Woman
This film rules dude.
Only play if you’re gay.
>trapped in the gilded cage of modern existence
“What’s your dream job? What do you wanna’ do when you grow up?”
“Uhhh, I’m gonna’ be a doctor.”
“How much do you wanna’ make?”
“I’m gonna’ make.. people feel ok.”
Fuckin’ lol. Damn dude. I knew it was goy slop shlocky romcom B movie, but not Dogshit Popcorn!
I figured I’d get some pushback on this review. I think the last time that happened was with “Talk To Me” (2022) because I said I didn’t mind the gaggle of negresses and changs in the cast. But for this, you can tell it’s a cheesy 90’s movie from the poster and release date. And the trailer. Didn’t think I needed to give a heads up about that.
I love 80’s and 90’s movies because they are unapologetically upbeat. I enjoy dark and gritty realistic movies but now everything is too self aware and makes meta jokes that break the fourth wall or try to one up each other with realism. I’m tired of every actor being ugly and frumpy. I want to watch gorgeous people LARP as normal.
Also, c’mon man! Loving animals is the Whitest thing you can do. Would love to read your review of “The Cove” (2009).
Anyways, hilarious excoriating review. Sorry to have led you astray.
So we checked, and our system works. The email sent, but unfortunately since we don’t require email verification, we don’t have one of yours on file. It just sends to the admins by default until a user adds their own. And your current password is encrypted so we don’t even know what it is. All we can do is generate a new one. But obviously it’s a security risk if we just hand that out to whomever. My apologies, but I think you’re S.O.L. with that account unless you can remember the password. I’ll check with the webdevs and try to find a solution though and if we find a way we’ll let you know. ??♂️??♂️??♂️?????? For anyone else reading this, if you care about your account, please remember to add a backup email via the /settings/ option by clicking the profile icon on the top right of the page. We only make it optional to respect users’ privacy and autonomy, but it’s a bad practice that mainstream sites would never do.
Old geezer music forum? Sounds great. I want to have music forums here. I think starting by scraping Discogs.com, Last.FM, & RateYourMusic.com would be a good start. But gotta improve the existing issues and pillars of the site first. For example, you still can’t write reviews on truly underground things unless you first make an IMDb page. There are a lot of good projects like the stuff Emily Youcis, Sam Hyde, and all the folks associated with the White Art Collective made that aren’t supported here because of that. And the whole point of ZR is not to simply live in the shadow of (((Hollywood))) and find hidden gems but to support independent art from /ourguys/ as well. Same goes for our music scene. I find a lot of great music and then forget what they’re called. Like this YouTube channel EuropeanUnity565. It’s mainly RAC from various countries but there’s also exploratory rap, metalcore, synth indie, etc.
European Unity 565 https://www.bitchute.com/channel/xnWIemZmTp8h
Les Brigandes – Democracy https://www.bitchute.com/video/bJkYGHp20FJW Kroc Blanc – Nazi https://www.bitchute.com/video/q0UMYuew8cZo
Komplott – Europa https://www.bitchute.com/video/1SIYEBDZG6A2 14 Sacred Words – A Declaration Of War https://www.bitchute.com/video/lhYbctB91ny3
I could go on and on. But yeah, I really wanna’ pick up the torch where EuropeanUnity565 and WhiteArtCollective took off. We need to support the vanguards! But allow any genre and any race. I think it becomes a circle jerk purity spiral and you limit yourself to a lot of good stuff out there. Like, https://88nsm.com/ is a great resource and they have many genres. But it’s all only about nazi stuff. I think you pigeon hole yourself and that’s not conducive to a movement growing and art needs to be able to experiment freely. So ZR’s forum would also allow interpretations of classics like:
Steve Windwood – Higher Love (Murdoch Murdoch) https://www.bitchute.com/video/2fMCNUfPP0k Or to be able to appreciate other races art without being called a cuck. You said you like progrock? What about mathrock? Go figure, Asians are good at math(rock) too:
LITE – Bond https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlWiRjIcjOk
Rega – Barrel Roll https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcuhwhrCtEc
tricot – POOL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZjTXh_zaXc
Damn, I’m ranting. Clearly this site needs a music forum and music playlist option. But before that, we’ll work on other requested features… Anywho welcome back.
I will add that on the plus side there is a theme about founding a Father, which is a wholesome theme, but on the negative side there is a feminist captain promoting the tiresome girl-power meme.
Curt is a much better actor than one would think, based on his very limited resume. And Curt is a really good singer and mimic of famous pop, hip-hop, rock and jazz singers.
you can watch it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFg1QZ0OA7w&list=PLiB9Q66T9RtlDt61EzpDYa2GIq4nx_rkm