Hello Love, please do the needful and post Bob!
Totally agree. It can’t get out of its own way and the dialogue made my skin crawl. I peaced out at the part where it seemed as if we’d finally leave Blunt behind and have a kino driving scene and she pops back into frame like a bad rash with more pointless blathering.
I wanna write a review on this but it has no IMDb page to import from. Anyways, for a hitpiece they did a horrible job. Made Spain look awesome and this is how I imagine you and Beertje Blauw:
“Inside Spain’s Fascism Fandom” – VICE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqKSXPiGe7U
My one suggestion is that you shouldn’t necessarily have given up on the ‘RightWingTomatoes’ parody name. It’s just an amazing and immediately intuitive brand name recognition thing. Easy to remember and says immediately what it is and what it’s for. I imagine it’s what brought most people here and garnered you attention in the first place (it’s certainly what first brought me here). And I don’t think it necessarily signals a boomer normiecon kind of worldview anymore. The ‘right-wing’ label in popular understanding is increasingly extending beyond that to the ‘alt’ and ‘dissident’ edges. And besides, you say you welcome all perspectives, right?
Also I must say it seems kind of silly for this, of all sites, to be censoring ‘slurs’.
Anyhow, just my tuppence. Thanks for creating and running this thing!
I appreciate that you are not Letterboxd, even though their website loads quicker.
Yeah idk what gives. We use cloudflare but maybe we’ve had a spike in traffic lately? Working on improving UI and SEO right now which includes getting rid of superfluous sh*t. Anyways, glad you like it. Stay tuned…
Here is the music generation from the neural network of Suno Ai on the theme of this piece: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqCAxGQvfjI&list=RDOqCAxGQvfjI
Its my absolute favorite movie ever.
Mgtow and the incel movement are not the answer brother. One must accept female nature and the fact that men and women are inseparable, without accepting the whole wave of modern degenerations. Stay strong.
Good sh*t. Check out the anime “Wolf’s Rain” for a similar vibe. (The ending credits song of Felidae reminded me of it.)
This review does not make any judgement about the film, it only judges other reviewers. It does not talk about the merits (or lack therof) of brokeback mountain.
One recommendation: Most of the time, after someone posts a review you get a lot of reactions from people, thumb ups, or downs, a reply, etc but then it mostly sinks down, for example nobody responded to any of my reviews in the months I have been gone. Old reviews are snowed under and forgotten. So it might be a good idea to make a 4th button next to latest that shows random reviews from everyone on the site. This way you increase the engagement with other people’s reviews and makes it easier for people to find new media to watch.
This film rules dude.
lmao – they rip off Memento and have the balls to call the protagonist Nolan?
Lol cry more.
And human rights don’t exist
Don’t you mean Alien 3?