Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, I still own and it just redirects here. I agree on branding 100% for instantly understanding the purpose and easy to remember. But the goal is to have reviews for everything. Just hit a big road block because there is absolutely no money in this corner of the internet. Unless you want to be a grifter and just shit out live streams and start drama and rely on superchats. But in terms of quality organizations making a difference, I think the only way is to solicit big donations from racist Boomers like Counter Currents and AmRen do. (More power to them, they earned it with years of hardwork and networking, and are branded as high IQ outlets.) But even then you have to worry about “the nail that sticks out gets hammered down” because look what happened to VDare. They flew too close to the sun and had a huge target on their back. It wasn’t just banks, it was the feds interfering.
Which is why maybe it really fucked us to rebrand in the short term, but I hope it pays off in the long run. If I met some rich Dissident Right donor who had a marketing team and wanted to rebrand (again…) I would be gung ho. But I am so friggin burnt out I just don’t really care at this point. Very redpilling experience but it’s clear that if you want to make a difference you must “put your oxygen mask on first” as they say, and try to get rich through apolitical / non-altruistic means. And THEN swing your dick around with all the extra funds to make a difference. Like Elon Musk and the Paypal Mafia or the people behind Rumble and Odysee.
So for now, I am focusing on no longer being poor so I can fund all the features myself. And in the meantime, if you know anyone who can do it, more power to ’em. Here’s the data:
Oh and about cursing, if you are logged in, the curse words should be uncensored. We were planning like a freemium set up to incentivize crowdsourced support but just haven’t gotten around to it. And also riding that fine line of being a platform that is ad friendly but also free speech. No one will support and even websites like AmRen and Counter Currents steer clear of such sites. Ideally, the brand we were going for is like AmRen’s comments section. Articulate and polite racists, but also shitposting anti woke anons. Nice harmony.
Not to keep bitching, but another struggle I found in this project was that if we are too extreme then people claim we are a honey pot, if we are optics cucks people claim we are selling out. Having said all that, I am very optimistic about people waking up and it’s nice to see more and more people using the site. I am certain I will have some of my apolitical projects succeed and you’ll probably see some sudden booms in features and development on the site. And more frequent posting to incentivize Patreon supporters and all that. And now that it’s no longer taboo to talk about Jews and race, we won’t have to worry about payment processors and optics cucking as much. Who knows?
Once again, thank you for the feedback and please comment any other thoughts. It really does help us prioritize on backend and I’ve definitely wanted a book section for years. I think to start having a recommended reading list would be easy to code. Will keep ya posted..
Username checks out.
Here is the music generation from the neural network of Suno Ai on the theme of this piece:
I decided to play Terminator 3: Dark Fate. Of course, I chose the maximum difficulty – Realism. The tutorial missions went relatively well, though I had to sweat a bit to ensure at least some of my squad survived and progressed to the next missions. The game works like this: you start with certain squads, and some of them carry over to the next mission. They gain experience and unlock new skills. In different missions, you can recruit new squads. There are also city outposts where you can purchase personnel and equipment. You can also loot vehicles during missions: cars, Humvees, and even tanks.
However, there’s a catch: the larger your squad, the more resources it consumes, and resources are limited. This presents a dilemma: what to sell and what to keep and develop. Resources are always scarce, so you need to invest in the most effective units and upgrade them. Vehicles and tanks can also be upgraded with armor, weapons, and engine modifications.
The game feels like a Mad Max-style survival experience, with a convoy of vehicles racing through the desert: small maneuverable cars, APCs, makeshift artillery on trailers, and trucks carrying supplies and fuel. There can also be separate transport trucks. The entire team is self-sufficient; if you run out of fuel and a tank stops, it’s essentially lost and won’t make it to the next mission.
There’s a wide variety of units: assault troops, snipers, special forces, etc. You need to assemble your team to have several self-sufficient groups that can hold various points on the map, as missions often require controlling multiple locations.
When I started the main missions after the tutorial, I really struggled. Maps that were supposed to take an hour ended up taking 10 hours to complete. Even then, victory wasn’t guaranteed. I reached the cartel city, where enemy Humvees with artillery prevented me from approaching. I managed to defeat them with tremendous effort, but then decided to go back two missions to acquire my own artillery. I replayed those missions, bought artillery, and dismantled the Humvees.
Eventually, I completed the game. Even towards the end, I was still learning new things. Such hardcore games are interesting because you can’t beat them on the first try. I think this game is underappreciated by the gaming community due to its specific gameplay – strategy games aren’t very popular nowadays because they require thinking, which many modern gamers find unappealing. Nevertheless, the game turned out to be very successful and provides a unique gaming experience not found in other titles.
Welcome back! Literally shouted “Beertje Blauw!” when I saw ur review. Thought you were gone for good. Same with Mondo Mirth. (Miss that lil nigga…) But I don’t want any pressure to stick around or write weekly reviews because it’s not like you’re paid staff or anything. Which is why I don’t want to check in or comment like a guilt tripping lonely mother. But I appreciate all you guys, especially the O.G. ones that have been around since the beginning.
Idk if you saw, but I tried hiring someone to manage social media and post relevant memes. Well, you get what you pay for (and I can’t afford professionals quite yet) so I left for 2 months without checking up on her. Turns out she was posting gore and normie memes and unrelated cat videos. Guess my instructions weren’t clear. Needless to say, I immediately discontinued that and deleted all her social media posts. ? Likewise with a guy trying to help with SEO. All that came from that was now each site tab now says “Is X woke?” which I’m not sure even helps us rank higher.
All that is to say that I’ve given up on trying to grow it as a top priority. At least for the time being, and instead view ZR as an artist collective type project. A webzine or journal so that even if you leave and never write another review, at least there will be a collection of reviews and musings for ppl to look at. Same for if we never get hockey stick social network type growth. The work put into it thus far still has value.
So, I’ll focus on improving features and UI gradually until I can secure some more money to do it quicker. In the meantime, your feedback is always welcome and we’ll prioritize it. But feel free to come and go as you please.
( Also, in regards to the younger folks: I’m trying to get a banner ad on AmRen or other sites so we get a more diverse ecosystem. More classic movies and articulate old guy reviews to balance out the shit posting and anime obsession. I went to the 2024 AmRen convention and got a few older fellas to contribute reviews too. You just might not know which of us are geezers. ? )
reddit fuel. reddit in a can. reddit: the movie. reddit’s top ten films of all time. reddit personified. reddit in a nutshell. creme du reddit. reddit in pog form. reddit manifest. reddit incarnate. quintessentially reddit. epitome of reddit. total reddit. the chronicles of reddit. reddit with a capital ‘R’. holy reddit. oh my reddit. absolutely reddit. reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit the movie, written by reddit, directed by reddit, produced, performed, acted, casted and gripped by reddit, for a reddit audience in a reddit cinema on reddit street of reddit town, USA, planet reddit.
It’s for the very reasons you point out that it’s better not to overtly call it something with right-wing in the name, simply because it draws the wrong crowd. I hate lefties as much as the next guy, but the poltards are hardly an improvement. It is interesting hearing how serious you were taking this though. For books there have been a few guys who tried to setup a goodreads alternative, but my experience with those sites was that they were full of thin skinned reddit types who can’t take a joke. My reply is becoming pretty directionless, so I think I’ll cut it short before it turns into the review equivalent of Captain America Brave New World, or worse, Elizabethtown…but I would like to say that as someone whose voice has been kicked, flattened, banned, branded, and shoved unnecessarily into dark, tight places–it is nice to have a place to vent after watching utter dogshit. Cheers.
there’s overt homoeroticism daubed over the entire movie, how is that not woke? every sex joke has to be about guy-on-guy. the joke where the desk jockey has a crush on deadpool it’s a guy. when deadpool makes jokes to the soldiers about raping him they’re guys. the single case where it’s not a guy, it’s a black woman. otherwise heterosexual attraction is verboten. like yeah compared to deadpool 2 with the horrid dykes in it, it’s far less woke. but don’t try and make out that it has no woke in it.
Hmmm, can’t seem to figure out what you’re referring to. Can you elaborate?
My one suggestion is that you shouldn’t necessarily have given up on the ‘RightWingTomatoes’ parody name. It’s just an amazing and immediately intuitive brand name recognition thing. Easy to remember and says immediately what it is and what it’s for. I imagine it’s what brought most people here and garnered you attention in the first place (it’s certainly what first brought me here). And I don’t think it necessarily signals a boomer normiecon kind of worldview anymore. The ‘right-wing’ label in popular understanding is increasingly extending beyond that to the ‘alt’ and ‘dissident’ edges. And besides, you say you welcome all perspectives, right?
Also I must say it seems kind of silly for this, of all sites, to be censoring ‘slurs’.
Anyhow, just my tuppence. Thanks for creating and running this thing!
Only play if you’re gay.
Never mind, the woke score is in a tab below, but the area for reviews cut’s of at the four star mark.
chatgpt slop?
Yeah, I watched it the other day and decided to share my impressions. It’s scary that people have forgotten how to think and form their thoughts and perceive any consistent text as the generation of a neural network.
Good shit. Check out the anime “Wolf’s Rain” for a similar vibe. (The ending credits song of Felidae reminded me of it.)
nigga, is this an ai slop response?
turing test: failed
You will now be recycled as a dildo for ur crimes against humanity
Don’t listen to that faggot kike. Appreciate what you do, please don’t let this shit die.
Tanks. I watched it because of your review. Liked it a lot and can second your conclusion
By the way, I do not recommend the book of the same name, on which this series was filmed. The original story has more depression and hopelessness, less humor and romance. In general, the creators of the series significantly reworked the original work, and this was to its advantage.
One recommendation: Most of the time, after someone posts a review you get a lot of reactions from people, thumb ups, or downs, a reply, etc but then it mostly sinks down, for example nobody responded to any of my reviews in the months I have been gone. Old reviews are snowed under and forgotten. So it might be a good idea to make a 4th button next to latest that shows random reviews from everyone on the site. This way you increase the engagement with other people’s reviews and makes it easier for people to find new media to watch.