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Summary: A young heiress - jealous of her cousin's engagement to another woman - becomes obsessed with the legend of a vampire ancestor, who supposedly murdered the young brides of the man she loved.
Runtime: 1 h 14 min
MPAA: Not Rated

Countries: France, Italy
Language: French

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Summary: At the Conservatory of Vienna the student only have eyes for their beautiful singing teacher, tenor Eric Walter.
Runtime: 1 h 36 min

Country: France
Language: French
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Le bal du comte d'Orgel (1970)

Actors: Jean-Claude Brialy and Sylvie Fennec

Lumière (1966)

Actors: Jean-Claude Brialy and Sylvie Fennec

Les Parisiennes (1962)

Actors: Jean-Claude Brialy and Sylvie Fennec

Les démons de minuit (1961)

Actors: Jean-Claude Brialy and Sylvie Fennec

Les affreux (1959)

Actors: Jean-Claude Brialy and Sylvie Fennec

Be Beautiful But Shut Up (1958)

Actors: Mylène Demongeot

L'amour est en jeu (1957)

Actors: Mylène Demongeot

En effeuillant la marguerite (1956)

Actors: Mylène Demongeot

Lady Chatterley's Lover (1955)

Actors: Mylène Demongeot

L'amante di Paride (1954)

Actors: Mylène Demongeot

Avec André Gide (1951)

Actors: Mylène Demongeot

Maria Chapdelaine (1950)

Actors: Michèle Morgan and Kieron Moore

Pétrus (1946)

Actors: Michèle Morgan and Kieron Moore

Parade en 7 nuits (1941)

Actors: Michèle Morgan and Kieron Moore
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