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Summary: In this satirical comedy, a zany nobleman navigates through family feuds and clashes with peasants in his quest to become Poland's most famous figure.
Release Date: December 13, 2023
Genres: Comedy, History
Runtime: 0 h 30 min

Production: Netflix, Akson Studio
Country: Poland
Language: Polish
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Cisza nocna (2024)

Under the Volcano (2024)

All Inclusive (2024)

It's Not My Film (2024)

Minghun (2024)

Actors: Marcin Dorocinski, Daxing Zhang, and Natalia Bui

Flowers of Ukraine (2024)

Actors: Marcin Dorocinski, Daxing Zhang, and Natalia Bui

Jestem postacia fikcyjna (2024)

Actors: Andrzej Seweryn

Sila oporu (2024)

Actors: Andrzej Seweryn

Unpredictable (2024)

Actors: Agnieszka Grochowska, Pawel Malaszynski, Dawid Ptak, and Julia Wieniawa-Narkiewicz

Supersiostry (2024)

Actors: Agnieszka Grochowska, Pawel Malaszynski, Dawid Ptak, and Julia Wieniawa-Narkiewicz

The Bay of Spies (2024)

Actors: Bartosz Gelner

Ludzie (2024)

Actors: Maria Shtofa

The Love Buzz (2024)

Actors: Michal Czernecki

An Orange from Jaffa (2024)

Actors: Michal Czernecki
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