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Summary: In the fierce battlefield in the midst of the harsh weather conditions, Wu Qian Li and Wu Wan Li, two brothers soldier including the brave Chinese soldiers must fight together and find a way to cope with the invasion of US forces.
Runtime: 2 h 56 min

Country: China
Language: Chinese
Movie budget: $ 200,000,000
Domestic: $ 342,411
International: $ 902,206,065
Summary: A deadly drought in 1942 takes its toll on central China's Henan province during the war against Japan.
Release Date: November 29, 2012
Genre: Drama
Runtime: 2 h 25 min
MPAA: Not Rated

Country: China
Language: Chinese
Movie budget: $ 33,000,000
Domestic: $ 312,954
International: $ 605,533
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Summary: In the fierce battlefield in the midst of the harsh weather conditions, Wu Qian Li and Wu Wan Li, two brothers soldier including the brave Chinese soldiers must fight together and find a way to cope with the invasion of US forces.
Runtime: 2 h 56 min

Country: China
Language: Chinese
Movie budget: $ 200,000,000
Domestic: $ 342,411
International: $ 902,206,065
Summary: A deadly drought in 1942 takes its toll on central China's Henan province during the war against Japan.
Release Date: November 29, 2012
Genre: Drama
Runtime: 2 h 25 min
MPAA: Not Rated

Country: China
Language: Chinese
Movie budget: $ 33,000,000
Domestic: $ 312,954
International: $ 605,533

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Summary: It's Hogswatch (equivalent to Christmas) on the Discworld and the Hogfather has gone missing, requiring Death to take his place while his granddaughter Susan endeavors to find out what has happened.
Runtime: 3 h 09 min

Language: English


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