Box office:
Possible Big Business:
UTV Motion Pictures
The average Rotten Tomatoes audience score is 78%.
No Metacritic ratings imported yet.
6% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.
100% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."
Box office International:
Source: The Numbers
The Matrix
Warner Bros.
3 Arts Entertainment
(Lionsgate subsidiary)
The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this -3% lower than the critics.
The Metacritic audience rated this 16% higher than the critics.
28% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.
33% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."
LGBTQ content included:
Possibly woke elements:
strong female lead, strong female character, action heroine
The Metacritic audience rated this 14% higher than the critics.
17% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.
22% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."
strong female lead,strong female character,female soldier
This film gets a 1.00/5 family friendly score
The Metacritic audience rated this 2% higher than the critics.
0% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."
gay, same sex marriage, homosexual, homosexuality, gay sex, lesbian, bisexual, gay bar
gay adoption
gay bashing, prejudice, discrimination, social justice, injustice
Source: Box Office Mojo
The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this -15% lower than the critics.
The average Metacritic score is 75%.
56% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.
8% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."
The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this 28% higher than the critics.
The average Metacritic score is 52%.
59% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."
Warner Bros. Pictures
Searchlight Pictures
(Walt Disney Studios subsidiary)
The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this -1% lower than the critics.
The Metacritic audience rated this -5% lower than the critics.
Polygram Filmed Entertainment
Summit Entertainment
The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this 18% higher than the critics.
0% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.
11% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."
This film gets a 0.10/5 family friendly score
The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this -6% lower than the critics.
45% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.
20% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."
This film gets a 1.40/5 family friendly score
Possible lazy cash grab:
sequel, third part
Universal Pictures
The Metacritic audience rated this -9% lower than the critics.
28% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."
This film gets a 1.98/5 family friendly score
The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this 21% higher than the critics.
61% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.
17% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."
gay, same sex marriage, homosexual, gay character, gay marriage, gay man
sequel, 3d sequel to 2d film, third part
Toy Story
Walt Disney Pictures
Pixar Animation Studios
Disney Character Voices International
The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this -8% lower than the critics.
The Metacritic audience rated this -4% lower than the critics.
33% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.
6% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."
strong female character
This film gets a 3.50/5 family friendly score
Zentropa Entertainments
Nordisk Film
39% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.
50% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."
f rated
The average Rotten Tomatoes critic score is 98%.
75% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."
(Paramount Global subsidiary)
The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this -4% lower than the critics.
action heroine
The Metacritic audience rated this 7% higher than the critics.
11% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.
19% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."
This film gets a 1.41/5 family friendly score
No Rotten Tomatoes ratings imported yet.
22% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.
gay, homosexual, gay character, homosexuality, lesbian
social injustice, injustice
The Metacritic audience rated this 22% higher than the critics.
evil corporation
This film gets a 0.80/5 family friendly score
sequel, sequel to cult favorite, sequel to a reboot, third part
DC Entertainment
The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this 3% higher than the critics.
The Metacritic audience rated this 10% higher than the critics.
class differences,inequality,action heroine
The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this 5% higher than the critics.