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Summary: When André, 85, has a stroke, Emmanuelle hurries to her father's bedside. Sick and half-paralyzed in his hospital bed, he asks Emmanuelle to help him end his life. But how can you honor such a request when it's your own father?
Runtime: 1 h 53 min

Countries: France, Belgium
Language: French

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Summary: Mousse and Louis are young, beautiful, rich and in love. But drugs have invaded their lives. One day, they overdose and Louis dies. Mousse survives, but soon learns she's pregnant. Feeling lost, Mousse runs away to a house far fro...
Runtime: 1 h 28 min
MPAA: Unrated

Country: France
Language: French
Domestic: $ 34,525
International: $ 885,700
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Deux femmes au cinéma (2015)

Helsinki (2013)

La maison vide (2013)

L'équation (2012)

Une nouvelle vie (2011)

Actors: Géraldine Pailhas

La noyée (2011)

Actors: Géraldine Pailhas

La collection - Écrire pour... 5 fois Nathalie Baye (2011)

Actors: Géraldine Pailhas
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