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Summary: 1979. A village in Pakistan. A widow sees her 17 years old son being attracted to Islamist militants. It brings her past back.
Runtime: 1 h 39 min
MPAA: Not Rated

Countries: Pakistan, France, Germany
Language: Urdu
Domestic: $ 7,384

Box office:



Possibly woke elements:

triple f rated,f rated

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Die Ungläubigen vom Hindukusch: Die bunte Kultur der Kalasha (2019)

Indien-Pakistan: Zwei Frauen gegen den Fundamentalismus (2017)

Azmaish: A Journey Through the Subcontinent (2017)

Rafina (2013)

Dinner with the President: A Nation's Journey (2007)

Über den Dächern von Delhi (2007)

Hawa Kay Naam (2003)

Mädchengeschichten (1998)

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