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Summary: Fleeing from despair after losing those dearest to him, the hero hides in a safe land of memories, where time stands still and all those dear to him are alive.
Runtime: 1 h 28 min
MPAA: Unrated

Country: Poland
Language: Polish

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Summary: A troubled man gets released from prison and starts taking out his sadistic fantasies on an unsuspecting family living in a secluded house.
Runtime: 1 h 27 min
MPAA: Not Rated

Country: Austria
Language: German
Movie budget: $ 400,000
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Digi Dada-Songs of the Earth (2022)

Actors: Zbigniew Rybczynski and Dorota Zglobicka

Angst (2018)

Actors: Calvin Case and Elise Garrett

L'encyclopédie audio-visuelle (1992)

Actors: Calvin Case and Elise Garrett

The Orchestra (1990)

Actors: Calvin Case and Elise Garrett

The Fourth Dimension (1988)

Actors: Calvin Case and Elise Garrett

Steps (1987)

Actors: Calvin Case and Elise Garrett

Imagine (1987)

Actors: Calvin Case and Elise Garrett

Wdech-wydech (1981)

Actors: Calvin Case and Elise Garrett

Tango (1981)

Actors: Calvin Case and Elise Garrett

Sceny narciarskie z Franzem Klammerem (1980)

Actors: Calvin Case and Elise Garrett

Mein Fenster (1979)

Actors: Calvin Case and Elise Garrett

Oj! Nie moge sie zatrzymac! (1976)

Actors: Calvin Case and Elise Garrett

Nowa ksiazka (1976)

Actors: Calvin Case and Elise Garrett

Zupa (1975)

Actors: Calvin Case and Elise Garrett
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