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Summary: While their mother is dying in the modern Gimli, Manitoba hospital, two young children are told a tale by their Icelandic grandmother about Einar the Lonely, his friend Gunnar, and the angelic Snjofridur in a Gimli of old.
Release Date: April 15, 1988
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy
Runtime: 1 h 12 min

Country: Canada
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 25,000
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Summary: The wary residents of a 19th century mountain village must tread carefully and speak softly lest they cause an avalanche. Sexual frenzies teem in this world of repression, setting off incestuous love triangles with deadly conseque...
Runtime: 1 h 40 min
MPAA: Not Rated

Country: Canada
Language: English

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Windfall (2019)

Mauve Decade (1989)

The International Style (1984)

Actors: Springtime

Oak, Ivy, and Other Dead Elms (1982)

Actors: Springtime

Springtime in Greenland (1981)

Actors: Springtime
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